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6 August 2019 - Diet Diary - Continue to feel better. Perhaps the medication changes account for many of the symptoms. Do have an appointment with a cardiologist in a couple weeks but don't consider it a bad idea given my history, even if things have settled,. For now, just feeling better is a big relief.

Kept intake quite low today, finishing at 981 calories. Quite a bit of fruit/veg, mango, cherries, watermelon, rhubarb, carrots and tomatoes. Need to make a broccoli, cauliflower salad tomorrow as I bought both last Friday while out of town. In the mood for that anyway.

Working on staying well hydrated, preferably earlier in the day so it doesn't cause me to get up 3 times in the night. Took in at least a gallon of water/very weak green tea. I like the sugar free flavored water additives but it is way too sweet/strong. Mixed one packet of the single serve powder into 62 ounces of water today. It was still enough flavor.

DotLewis 7 Aug 7
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Three times in the night is a lot for someone as young as you though people's capacity does vary!

CeliaVL Level 7 Aug 7, 2019

It did show improvement last night when I did more drinking during the early part of "my" day. I don't really start before 10AM and am lucky to get to bed before 1:30AM. Worked on it again today, although I did drink the last of my big cup between 8-9PM, later than is ideal. After that I will have only enough to take pills.

I only had to get up once last night and also, I actually had to "go" a couple times during the first 10 hours of the day. I was less bothered by the nightly trips than the fact I was going 8-10 hours during the day without a single pit stop. That seemed unhealthy to me. Spreading my liquid intake out over the day instead of waiting until late afternoon to start drinking is a habit I need to establish.


Funny thing about that "hydration" issue. I keep water by the bed...and often...perhaps too often...I wake up with dry mouth. I've tried those chin straps, I've tried tucking my pillow under my chin to no effect. I'm dealing with getting up several times a night. I've gotten used to it...bottle near the bed works for us guys...

I'm still in the 140's...but determined to get to the 130's . Eventually. One of these days!

I sometimes have those nights, generally when I roll to my back instead of my normal side position. Don't usually have much water by the bed after taking bedtime pills.
You will get there as long as you remain determined. Might take a while but it will come. If you got there once recently (as I recall) you will be able to get back, in my experience.

@DotLewis Thanks for the reassuring words!

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Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

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