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8 August 2019 - Diet Diary - The guy did call and my countertop is done. It looks good and I'm anxious to get started installing it. Have to get the plumber in first to repack the tub faucet and replace the spout. Hopefully he will show up quickly after being called, like in less than 6 months. 😮 Bit of a problem in the area with getting people to show up when you ask them to do a job or even give an estimate. That is why I'm NOT getting a new shower in place of the tub.

Meanwhile, weight was stable today despite my cheat day. Cut calories low today, was at 963 at 8PM. Added a little bit after than because I wanted to try out a sour cream waffle recipe. Have some sour cream that needs used. Tasted what I cooked, part in a standard waffle iron, the other in a Belgian waffle iron. Likely had less than 1/2 a 4" waffle (the standard iron is a 4" mini-waffle iron) so should not be a great deal more calories. Haven't had time to run the recipe through the recipe analyzer yet.

Got busy today with things that needed done so the plumber can come. Feeling better the last couple days which has increased my energy level. Will hope this trend continues. I have enough "to do" items on my list to keep me busy until I'm 103 so I can't afford to waste too much time. 😉

DotLewis 7 Aug 9
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Kudos on the weight stabilization, Dot.

I'm tapped to attend a meeting for Heathcote. I just texted the director to get a confirmation.

I did a bread-free breakfast for a change...I keep going up (back in to the high 140's ...130's is my goal) so I gotta get stricter with myself.

Lunch today; Fat free yogurt with Splenda, some cereal, blueberries and a banana.

Dinner plans....mushrooms, spinach, Faux crab, and maybe a half-portion of Ramen noodles - stir fried (very little oil) to keep that full feeling til bedtime.

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Posted by OldMetalHeadI hit a new weight milestone this week. Still trying for the six-pack.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

Posted by JonnaBononnaI had finally gotten back on track after gaining back most of the weight I lost a couple of years ago.

Posted by JurneeI have to say, as an overweight karate instructor, this is the one patch that I was ok with never getting.

Posted by DotLewis13 March 2020 - Diet Diary - Holding steady, up a little, down a little.

Posted by DotLewis13 March 2020 - Diet Diary - Holding steady, up a little, down a little.

Posted by DotLewis7 March 2020 - Diet Diary - Been quiet around here lately. I've not been on vacation, just keeping a low profile and trying to stay on top of things. Are those things incompatible?

Posted by DotLewis26 Sept.

Posted by MyMrsFifiAte my tiny meal...... Still hungry.... Waiting for snack time like this......

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisTrade wars?

Posted by DotLewisTrade wars?

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