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Two teaspoons of vinegar before each meal will help you lose weight.

Black cumin, a teaspoon daily, decreases blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides.

EdEarl 8 Nov 20
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Use vinegar "with the mother", not distilled vinegar.

Mix it in a glass of water. The water helps fill you up, the vinegar helps digestion.

moosepucky Level 7 Nov 20, 2019

The Dr. who reported vinegar helping weight loss, also said a glass of water before meals helped.


Yes , vinegar helps to break up fat and so does garlic...

Yes, garlic helps,too.


I've tried it. Vinegar straight is just nasty. Even in salad dressings it's a bit of a task to swallow.

Better strategy; Watch your caloric intake. Learn to tolerate hunger. There is no evidence of any animal - other than man - having digestive system cancer; and that's accredited to the "hunger" factor.'ve lost over 100 pounds. Honestly; did you use vinegar? I don't think so. You just tolerated hunger.

Robecology Level 9 Nov 20, 2019

I just learned of the scientific trial that demonstrated the efficacy of vinegar for weight loss; though, I have been using balsamic vinegar and lemon juice (50/50) as a salad dressing for a while. A salad every day also helps. This news merely explains why I'm losing weight, without surgery or fighting hunger.

@EdEarl Then you are a valuable practical source of info. I will try more lemon juice and vinegar!

@Robecology The mixture is still powerful. Just pinch your nose shut and do it.

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