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Hi im new in this site can i ask u question? does apple cider vinegar helps to lose weight????

msbutterfly18 5 May 6
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I suspect not. Low carbs are the key - Dr. Atkins was right!

Tedoi Level 4 June 5, 2018

BUT, in defense of vinegar, it's wonderful for making salad dressings! When I buy any commercial dressing (they're usually LOADED with fats and calories), I dilute it with vinegar (often rice vinegar) at least 1:1, but often more, to vastly reduce the calories. I also make my own dressings, cutting calories by 75% or more.

mtnhome Level 7 May 8, 2018

It mostly increases sales and profits of the vinegar firms. Easy to hire some greedy blogger or broke kid to make shit like this up and promote it. Firms pay for this stuff (quietly) from their marketing budgets. See: []

mtnhome Level 7 May 8, 2018

I put it in my water and drink some every day. There is no clear cut scientific evidence that it does anything, but the concept has been around for a long time.

GuyKeith Level 8 May 8, 2018

Only thing that helps losing weight is less calories in, more calories out. Everything else is just a magic pill that in the long run will make you depressed and end up eating more.

JadedMage Level 4 May 8, 2018

Good for alkalizing

Fudomyoo Level 5 May 7, 2018

Welcome to this group. Simple answer is no. There is no evidence that any food or drink causes you to lose weight, in itself. As someone else has said, drinking a glass of water flavoured with vinegar before a meal may well help you to eat less, but eating an apple before a meal has the same effect and probably is better for your overall health. I use vinegar a lot, but simply to spark up the salads I eat, rather than using higher calorie dressings. The only way to lose weight is to reduce your calorie intake. Keep in touch, though. Trying to lose weight can be a tough and lonely business.

CeliaVL Level 7 May 7, 2018

Answer from Mayo Clinic. I've known people who did it, didn't notice massive effect unless they also followed a reduced calorie diet. I will note it is suggested for it to work best, mix couple Tbsp with 12-16 oz water and drink before a meal. If you dring 12-16 oz of water or plain tea or any calorie free drink just before eating you are likely to eat less because you have that much fluid in your stomach.


DotLewis Level 7 May 7, 2018
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