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Do You Use Facebook? Why or Why Not

For me Facebook is a great way to communicate with family and friends that I don't see on a regular basis. I text or email family or friends with things of a more personal nature, but on Facebook I let them know what I am doing, where I am going and what I am eating. My severe hearing impairment has made these kinds of communication necessary. It also let's them know that I am still alive & kicking.

alon 6 June 20
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I think Facebook is great. I recently reconnected with a Coworker ,cousin and previous neighbor that I have not seen in over 45 years

richiegtt Level 8 Nov 24, 2019

I started FB to communicate with teenage grandchildren who have all moved to Instagram etc. I ended up using it to organize political activity and soon became a FB addict. I have 3600 acquaintances and about 300 friends many of which are like minded atheists. I'm retired, I can be as political as I want and I often do. I even have a few Republican family members who have learned to live with me as I am or disowned me. Life is too short to worry about the small stuff.I have made my settings restrictive enough that I don't get a lot of ads. When I do, they are just ignored. I looked at an inflatable kayak on Amazon today, I will see those for about 3 months whether I buy one or not but the retailer is really the loser on that deal meanwhile FB stores all my pictures. I do need to do something about that though and download the ones I really want to a disc or three.

Lorajay Level 9 June 20, 2019

Just to keep track of local happenings and to stay in touch with a handful of friends in other states.

Sticks48 Level 9 June 20, 2019

I use Facebook to keep in touch with religious friends and family. Also use it for finding info quicker than a some search engines.

freedom41 Level 9 June 20, 2019

No. Their agreement changed years ago. All posts became property of Facebook to do with as they wished. I deleted my account right then.

freeofgod Level 8 June 20, 2019

Facebook does not own your content. However, there are some provisions that may make one think otherwise. Consistent with your privacy setting, if you share information with friends and/or others, you grant Facebook access to that same material. Such access grants them permission to use your content consistent with your privacy settings. And, when you delete your content, it is deleted from Facebook with a couple of exceptions. One being until Facebook backup copies have expired. The other being the exception where others have saved that material.

So, no. They never own your material but they do grant themselves access to use as they see fit as long as it is stored on Facebook servers.

[] (Scroll to section 3.1 and 3.2)

@Rob1948 Nothing ever really goes away on the Internet.

@ChrisOenophile Of course not... actually, in some cases, it does at least in sense that the older it gets the harder it becomes to suss it out from among all other information. Combine that with the fact that Google and other search engines include a lot of crap with each search...


Nope .. for friends I use a telephone...


Good way to contact family and friends over long distances

bobwjr Level 10 June 20, 2019

My son uses it to keep in touch with friend who moved to Japan

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