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Who is God?

Fredddy 4 July 8
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God is an imaginary thing made up of invisible substances, present in some holy craps like Quran and Bible 😇

Weird_kid Level 3 July 10, 2019

geebush jeehobah yhwh ghostholes allah krishna thor woden zeus apollo ankh osiris Cleopatra & Caesar all gawd gods gott mit uns allegedly

Sacred feces

1 least he has all the satanic actions in the bible. I began an evergrowimg list . It still blows my mind!

Realist9 Level 6 July 9, 2019

God can be simply explained: No, God did not create man. Man created God to explain things that could not be explained due to lack of information. The priesthood evolved into a power center. They needed/need to keep their myths alive to perpetuate their status in society. Religion is a means to control the population, and it is a means to acquire wealth for religious leaders such as Kenneth Copeland as a ready example or Joel Osteen. They prey upon the weakness and ignorance of the masses. They MUST use fear as a tool (concept of hell) or fear of "the other" (Example - LGBTQ). They MUST perpetuate that the individual is weak and powerless and can only have a fix for their addiction with a God.


I would guess you would get a different answer from ever human that believes in one. God is of the human mind so every mind will have a different interpretation of what god is.

..."gawd is" = oxymoron = gibberish = non sequitur = syntax error....dictionary lie.....grammatical capitalization fail


God only knows. 😉

Heraclitus Level 8 July 9, 2019

Someone made up to control the week minded and suppress them.

freedom41 Level 9 July 8, 2019

God believers knows well that God has no definition.

allmighty Level 6 July 8, 2019

God was a useful concept at one time.

God served as a way to control population growth. Millions, if not billions, were killed for not "following" him/her.

God served as a get rich quick/own the best real Estate scam for many.

God served as a pacifier for those afraid of dying.

God served as a moral prompt for many who otherwise wouldn't "behave" or wouldn't have been as generous.

God still helps the naive, the delusional, and the under-educated with a moral "compass"

There were, and still are, good people who sincerely "believe" in the myths and live a life of purity and devotion because of him/her.

Fortunately; we agnostics have discovered that you don't need a "god" to be generous, live a morally upright life, or die happy.

Robecology Level 9 July 8, 2019

Beats me

bobwjr Level 10 July 8, 2019

The bloke who lives at number 26. At least in the dead of night I hear a woman crying loudly “Ohhh Godddd!”

Geoffrey51 Level 8 July 8, 2019

Let’s hope it’s in ecstasy not agony!


Who is Pinnochio ? Both trick leading questions presume a false personality exists. Both presume miracles galactic or wooden. The gawd question is gibberish more than fiction. The liar nose boy a Disney cartoon movie based upon a silly childhood ethical made up question...what kind of idiot asks stupid question that has no rational answer. Only delusion from thousands of years rapist genocidal misogynistic GREEDY criminal beliefs from cults


Whatever we decide him/it to be ...god is entirely of our own making,

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