7 2

So, atomic bombs were dropped in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively, killing 129,000 to 226,000 people, mostly civilians.

Never mind for now if it was justifiable to drop atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I'm seeking opinions on if it is necessary for a country to have nuclear weapons.

"We must have nuclear weapons, not to use them but as a deterrent." is a popular argument.

Are you in favour of or against having nuclear weapons?

Jetty 7 Aug 9
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Nuclear weapons were the worst thing invented. It was used for power play. The only reason why they have it is to show Whose country is more powerful. It is ridiculous war is pointless. We have idiots in governing world. Innocent souls get killed. Or hurt over people trying to take control over this world. Each person in there mind believes they are going to make it a better place to live. Heaven on earth. Depending on the person they just may bring peace even without materialized weapons that will harm people. Then there are the leaders that bring. Toxic nuclear weapons and other sort of bombs into the mix/hate creating darkness all around. Only for there selfish needs but they are able to convince everyone through everyone own fear and hate that what they did was justified and right. Power play with both parties. One day there will be nothing left if everyone keeps thinking that weapons are the best options. The world is only going to get crazier. Great example is this stinking COVID. Power play. So many innocent lives.

yaya87 Level 5 Sep 13, 2020

Of course not. But that's like asking if you favor or oppose pollution or atomic energy. Nuke weapons, Fossil fuel pollution, nuclear energy are inevitable and a sign of our impending doom. Many of us know it's bad...but stopping it's progress seems futile.

Robecology Level 9 Aug 10, 2020

IMO, they should be banned, but I have no confidence in humanity to abide by a ban. Look who we have as president. The unthinkable has already happened.


In the hope they will never be used.

freedom41 Level 9 Aug 9, 2020

Few if any

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 9, 2020

Against....I believe it’s a spurious argument. I believe it’s the same argument gun lobbyists use to justify owning and carryIng guns. The obscene amount of money which countries spend on nuclear armaments should instead be spent on improving the health and living conditions of their citizens. We should all be lobbying our governments for multilateral disarmament, and for peace amongst nations, not competing in a “chicken” competition to see who can be pushed furthest before they blink! Collectively we are killing this planet and all who live on it, only the USA has actually detonated , and has done so twice, this ultimate weapon of mass annihilation, but it’s only a matter of time before another one is unleashed whom is anyone’s guess, and this time there will be retaliation and then it will be curtains for the human race...masters of our own destruction!

My thoughts exactly. You stated it eloquently.


Having them is scary, but fear not having them.

EdEarl Level 8 Aug 9, 2020

Living in fear is not healthy.

@SiouxcitySue I rarely think about nukes, so not living in fear.

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