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The following is a comment I cut and paste from a global website. The commenter is referring to a The Health Minister in England. Sajid Javid

"I hope he admits that the Covid 'Pandemic' is just a HOAX and is the flu re-branded, and I hope he admits that man-made Climate Change is a total con."

The above comment is the Definition of Stupid.

I'm sure the commenter is a Trump supporter as he is parroting Trump's own words. I would be more inclined to write: Trump is "a total con" and God is "a HOAX."

And further, in this two-sided fence world we live in I'd like to think he is on the stupid side. Genetic makeup favors both smarts and a long life. So the commenter was born stupid and can't be blamed. They were manufactured stupid and will die stupid.

Tourirst 7 July 17
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I doubt it since Sajid last night was diagnosed with covid 19 and went in to isolation.



bobwjr Level 10 July 18, 2021

It still baffles me, after allllll this, that anyone still says it's a hoax (I used to kinda dig the word "hoax", but it's yet one of countless things TFG ruined for me, and for all of us. But I digress).

As if libs in the US are SO damn powerful they can coordinate a global pandemic - lock downs, economic collapse, social strife - yet are simultaneously so weak they couldn't get that idiot out of office.


NYTrink Level 6 July 17, 2021

You can't fix stupid. Futile to make the attempt.

freedom41 Level 9 July 17, 2021

That is how stupid works.

Sticks48 Level 9 July 17, 2021

Who is the British cabinet minister who is being referenced?

Marionville Level 10 July 17, 2021

Sajid Javid.

@valentine4real Are you sure ?. He was chancellor of the exchequer and resigned over some dispute with Boris. He is now health minister in place of Hancock who was a naughty boy.I hope he has changed his mind.

@Moravian Yes, The Health Minister.

@valentine4real without seeing the original article I find I can’t comment further. I think it’s most unlikely that our Health Minister would ever be likely to think COVID was a hoax…or climate change either for that matter.

@Marionville Oops, no, it was a commenter referring to Sajid Javid, The UK Health Minister. I could have been more careful in my wording. Thx

@Marionville It has just been announced that he has tested positive for the virus. This may mean that the cabinet may have to quarantine. With the removal of virtually all restrictions in England tomorrow, not great timing.

@valentine4real I think you should unless you want to be grouped with conspiracy theory nutters like BDair and Wildgreens.

@Moravian yes…heard that on the news yesterday….don’t think they know what they’re doing from one day to the next.

@Marionville You're being generous, they don't know what they are doing from on toilet visit to the next, and bare in mind these daft buggers have private bars in their offices.

@LenHazell53 I must be feeling in a good mood today…maybe the heat has turned me soft, because it’s way too hot to get myself het up about the Tories and the morons who put Boris & co. in power!

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