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My most current definition of an ethical life is that I know that the world was a better place because I lived in it.
What is yours?

CrazyQuilter 7 Oct 22
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Do you consider ethics and morality to be the same?

@CrazyQuilter I had to take a course for ethics in college as an engineer. The focus was mainly on the idea of always protecting the public and not stealing intellectual property. I think what Edward Snowden did was based on ethics, not morality. The two, however, can be one in the same sometimes. To me at least. Embezzling money would be a lack of ethics. Being ok with child abuse would be a morality issue. But they are closely tied together. This is a good philosophical question. Thanks!


I guess mine would be to never lie, cheat or steal to get ahead in life. Never stand by while a fellow human is slandered by another, even if I would benefit from it. Never turn a blind eye while something is being done that could harm the public at large. Give credit where credit is due. Never take credit for something done by someone else. Don't steal a colleague's idea to profit from it. Etc....


I do my best to treat my fellow human beings with dignity and respect.


Good definition ... but what is good or better? I would argue that ethical behaviour can have consequences that appear to be rather negative from other angles.

Can you give an example....? Which ethical lifestyle or behaviour has negative consequences?

@Marionville it depends on the ethical framework you apply. I would say that for a catholic monk or priest the ethical framework includes celibacy. I am convinced that this rather unnatural ethical concept hs devastating consequences and is, at least in part, one of the reasons for so many cases of sexual abuse.

@PontifexMarximus I assume you meant to write celibacy....if so there is nothing ethical in being celibate....quite the contrary! It goes against human nature to be celibate and is not a natural state. I think you are confusing the meaning of ethical here, and to draw comparisons between a religious practice imposed unnaturally by a hierarchy with voluntarily leading an ethical and moral life, compatible with fellow humans, and nature is a non sequitur.

@Marionville indeed ... that c-word ...

@Marionville Thank you for alerting me to the castration of the term "celibacy“! With all due respect you seem to confuse something here.

"if so there is nothing ethical in being celibate....quite the contrary! It goes against human nature to be celibate and is not a natural state."

There is a lot in human behaviour that is not in line with "nature". The rules of ethics have little to do with nature. They are human conventions, just like religions.

Your initial point "I know that the world was a better place because I lived in it." is just an epression of your personal opinion in relation to an ethical framework you don't even devulge.

@PontifexMarximus I don't think celibacy causes pedophilia.

@itsmedammit We will never find out.

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