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Is it wrong to see veganism/vegetarianism as a big business opportunity?

As more and more people are turning vegetarian and vegan, my local food store has expanded the range of veggie products so as to attract vegetarian/vegan customers. They haven't reduced the range of meat products, though, they obviously want to continue to attract their regular meat-eating customers, too. The advantage of meat-eaters is that they can enjoy the wide selection of veggie products as well as vegetarian/vegan customers.
The food store seems doing well and their customers are happy, I assume.

So, is it wrong to see veganism/vegetarianism as a big business opportunity?

Jetty 7 Feb 6
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I thought he said vaginism...oops...wrong group...

elgato3141 Level 5 Feb 11, 2020

Can be big business has a tendency to do things on the cheap cutting costs over processing making a mess

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 6, 2020

No it's not.. Vegetarians are people too..

And we even get more credit than atheists. Now vegan atheists maybe not so much?! lol


No, business is about filling a need.


Hell no.

Look up "entrepreneur".

(S)he knows how to take the pulse of the people.

They are futurists.

They take risks with their money after doing a lot of science and research on the direction and trends that they're perceiving.

If they/you see a new trend, and you have $$...and you do some careful will gain...and so will society.

That's not a bad thing. What's bad is unresearched investments.



Of course not. Market forces drive retail. Many people are preferring vegetarian/vegan options.

If the customers were not there in sufficient numbers the products would not be stocked.

I am not sure where this question comes from.

@Jetty That is no different to being an extreme religious fanatic.

I don’t eat meat but it’s none of my business what anyone else does.

The ‘ethical’ label gets banded around to assume a moral high ground.

@Jetty Disagree. We all know and condemn the 'morals' of the religious. If one is truly concerned about the environment and the future one needs to go to a more sustainable (not sustainable growth as it is normally meant) food source. Meat is one of the worst foods for the planet and other sentient beings.

@JackPedigo I agree but militant veganism is as destructive as a militant anything!

@Geoffrey51 Depends on one's version of 'militant.' Words, yes but violence, no.


Of course not, any large change is a big business opportunity. Taking advantage of change is never wrong when the change is good for our earth.

Lorajay Level 9 Feb 6, 2020
0 is just as you describe, an opportunity to expand an existing customer base by diversifying. Makes good business sense.

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