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"However, data from the Federal Bureau of Prisons suggest that atheists are far less likely to commit crimes than religious people, and globally the least religious countries have the lowest crime rates. This is of course correlational evidence: it does not mean that being an atheist leads to committing fewer crimes. But the intuition that our study reveals, i.e. that atheists are immoral, is definitely not supported by reality." (

It is the old 'hand-in-the-cookie-jar' trick; or if I yell really loud about how you are stealing cookies from a cookie jar while I'm stealing cookies from the cookie jar, no one seems to notice me.

As the Red Tide sweeps the U.S. into the Information Dark Ages those of us who have the fortune of mobility will no doubt find 'the least religious countries have the lowest crime rates' much more comfortable.

I publish using IPFS (web3) the Dencentralized Web specifically because when the book burnings start they can't touch my stuff. IPFS is censor-proof because it exists on the blockchain; ie. no one, centralized, source has control over content. Forums such as this are currently being data-mined and I question the ability of centralized organizations to protect our freedoms. I love as long as it lasts.

digifilm4 5 July 29
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Least religious countries probably have less laws ie less acts are criminal.

puff Level 8 July 29, 2022

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