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I'm going to post this here and in the mental health group. This is a link to a report in a British journal on the results of a study that said that introverts are more likely to suffer from depression than extroverts. The study was done longitudinally, so it's not just a snapshot of something happening only at one point in time. These findings are probably not surprising to most of us, but I guess at least our personal anecdotes are supported by science.


citronella 7 June 19
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Hasn’t depression sometimes been characterized as anger turned inward? So that would make introverts more likely to kill themselves... and extroverts more likely to kill others???

NJSnarky Level 6 June 21, 2018

I had no issues with depression until I developed physical health issues. Feeling like @#$% all of the time @#$%s with your head.

vita Level 7 June 19, 2018

That is spot on for me.


I am personally under the influence that everyone suffers depression ( both introverts and extroverts) but extroverts have more outlets for depression there by causing skewed results of the sufferers of depression. I surmise if I had more friends ( or any friends) I wouldn't be as depressed as I presently am. Another words I let things just fester and I tend to deal with my problems myself more then say an extrovert would. Anxiety I think for me is the root cause of most of my depression. I think also statistically introverts have a higher rate of suicideal idealizations and probably off themselves at a higher rate. Here is an article from about a year ago which would back what I am thinking I believe.

Thanks for the link.


Interesting. I personally suffer from chronic (now well managed in remission) depression. I would attribute this to our awkwardness and sense of inadequacy in social situations but that is absolutely only a guess.

marmot84 Level 7 June 19, 2018

I'm sure that's a significant part of it. The article also stated that neuroticism had a role in depression, but I figured if I included that in the description I would be giving too much of the "fun stuff" away.

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