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Sometimes you just have to even if you don't want to.

thislife 7 June 27
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Oh god yes. I have wondered for years why I would much rather email than talk on the phone. I don't even enjoy the weekly act of calling my elderly parents. Once I have them on the line I am OK, but the hour or so that I am anticipating the call is rather taxing on me.
I am so glad I am not alone in this. I have just assumed I was a "nut", but now I know a lot of us are "nuts" 🙂


The fear is real! I've had a problem with phone calls most of my life but more so with phone calls that are somewhat open-ended (not a particular thing that needs to be discussed to accomplish a goal) because of the fear of awkward silences.

Exactly how it is for me!


I can't stand calling people to set up an appointment. Can't wait till Google Duplex releases, AI that will call and set up appointments for you.

NekoYuji Level 5 June 27, 2018

What is Google Duplex?


here is the press conference of it, but it's an AI that can call businesses to set up appointments for you. All you probably will have to do it tell it what time and day.

Wow! That will be wonderful! I was happy when message machines came out so I could decide whether to answer or not...

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