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This was an interesting article I came across. I'm sure we can all relate: 'An Introvert In A Digital World: How Technology Is Empowering The Quieter Half'

"It was a young Mary Shelley who keenly wrote: “Solitude was my only consolation — deep, dark, deathlike solitude.” some, this may sound poignantly off-putting. an introvert like me, it’s just another Friday night."


Pandora 4 June 27
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I have to admit, since I retired, and spend about 75% of my time alone, and much of that on social media, I sometimes feel like I need to be around actual people. But you all know how we feel about people... so I'm between a rock and a hard place. My solution is to go sit by myself in a coffee shop where there are people, but I don't have to interact with them. I just bring a book. It's quiet and nobody bothers me.

I go to the local Mickey D's order a strawberry shake and work crossword puzzles.

I would need more people interactions ...I expect that to be a major challenge for a retiring salesman

@buzz13 I'm a puzzle junkie too. I wonder if that's an introvert trait

@Bigwavedave I was a sales rep also... and I had no problem socializing with clients in the workplace. It was the after work business events that freaked me out.

@TheoryNumber3 right I don't do

@TheoryNumber3 At least it keeps people from bothering me in public. I do it every where, doctor waiting rooms and the like.


I agree, it is much easier to be open when on a computer than in a room full of people

zorialoki Level 8 June 27, 2018

Plus I end up editing a post or comment about 17 times before I hit the 'post' button. I have to practice what I'm going to say before I even make a phone call.

@Pandora My edit to phone calls is to usually not make them

@zorialoki Any excuse to utilize text, IM, or email over a phone call and I will take it.

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