9 6

Herro, I'm new this. So, I'm a CNA at a nursing home. I became on when i was 16. I've noticed as I get older I feel much more introverted. I always have been,but it's been growing on me. I'm thinking of getting a job outside of healthcare, but am afraid of what my family will say or think. Any advice is much appreciated!

linaandrs 3 July 7
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Start taking some classes at a local community college. Go for general ed first but take some extra math and science classes, aiming for a science degree. Just watch your field of work, you don't want a job that could be replaced by a machine, be the one that makes the machine.

EricJones Level 8 July 8, 2018

When you have a job, each day you will have to get up and get to that job. Then spend much of the day doing that job. That's my way of saying - you have to choose a job that interests you, excites you, challenges you so that when you get up and go to that job, you are doing it because you want to, not because you have to.

As for your family - most likely they will say something along the lines of "as long as you are happy". At least I certainly hope so.

Looking at the other responses below, I see many are saying essentially the same thing, so really have nothing new to add. Just more affirmation to be true to yourself and what interests you.

RPardoe Level 7 July 7, 2018

Is there anywhere you could get career advice from a professional? It sounds as if you might need to improve your qualifications, but the hard work would be worth it if you can then do a job you really like.

CeliaVL Level 7 July 7, 2018

Do whatever You!!! want, no matter when it is you figure that part out.


Go for change. Much easier to do while you are still young. What are your areas of interest?

Anything in STEM, particularly engineering and science, science being in the physics sector 🙂

@linaandrs Hard to lose in any of those areas! I have a BS in biology myself, though I worked in boring big corporate America. I have a feeling you will do well.


CNA is slave work. I know with my own experience. The best position for an introvert is lab work. . and could still be in the medical field if your family is skeptical. An AA in science will get you there. And if you are still happy with lab work (a position that makes you disappear), you'll stay there contented as a true introvert.

Plant1010J Level 6 July 7, 2018

Oof, yes, it is, especially when the facility is understaffed. Lab work sounds fun! I'm interested in engineering or physics 🙂

Definitely take engineering and physics, then. 🙂

@linaandrs I was a very successful Industrial Engineer. Always enjoyed my work but wished I had more Physics education.

It helps when you have to rely on other experts that you hire. It gives you the chance to agree or disagree with their analysis or to at least be able to work with them to get results that you want with a project. I used to draw street plans for a civil engineer.


Is it really that important what your family thinks? I realized years ago I could never make some people in my family ever happy with what I did. Do what makes you happy, that is what is important

zorialoki Level 8 July 7, 2018

This person is only 18 so it's probably more important what their family thinks than for us older, more independent folks. That being said, you always have to do what is best for you.

I'm my case, my parents wanted me to be a musician. We seriously had 'that talk' when I decided to become a CPA. I had finished 2 years of a doctorate in music and decided to go in a completely different direction and they kept asking me a million questions about why in the world I would want to do something as stupid as going into professional accounting.

@Hihi Most parents would worry more about someone becoming a musician

@zorialoki I know!


😀 It's your life and you can do what you want! 😉
With apologizes to Eric Burdon and The Animals


It is your life. Go and do what you want with it. Find something you love to do (a good salary wouldn’t hurt)?

jab60 Level 6 July 7, 2018
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