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Now that Christmas is over I can breathe a bit easier. My mom really wanted me to attend the Christmas Eve service with her. The thought of having to sit for an hour or so with a building full of strangers, listening to a theology that I don’t buy into raised my stress levels a bit. Fortunately bad weather and an 80 mile drive created an easy excuse not to attend.

I got to wondering if agnosticism became a crutch to avoid a situation that made me uncomfortable as an introvert or vice versa?

Haemish1 8 Dec 27
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For me, that old "square peg in a round hole" feeling is always with me, but having to attend any sort of religious ritual amplifies it even more. All those deep dark secrets I'm not privy too... everyone knowing when to sit stand, pray, sing, talk, smile, etc.... I have no clue, (I prefer to remain clueless about such things). I feel like a captive audience in most situations where you're required to "sit, stay" for an extended period of time. But religious events are THE WORST! Someone please pat me on the head, give me a chew toy, tell me I'm a good girl and let me go back to my favorite blanket.

The ones doing all the sitting, standing, singing etc are the ones who should be patted on the head and given a biscuit because they're the ones acting like a well trained and obident dog.

@EricJones Excellent point!


It may have been a crutch for you, but for me they haven't seemed related. I'm anxious before and after believing in that crap. But not believing makes holidays particularly stressful around here. Some days I can't stand the hypocritical pageantry. Anyone else want to disappear?


Personally, I think the two go hand in hand. I have read that introverted people tend to be more intelligent and that more intelligent people tend to question the existence of a higher power. I don't think one is a crutch for the other, more of a side effect.

Kynlei Level 8 Dec 27, 2018

I know it's not always the case. There are intelligent people who believe and unintelligent people who don't and vice versa.


Certainly not. You are simply expressing your real beliefs and feelings and you recognize them. If you didn't want to go - then you did as you should have. No reason to feel guilty about it which is perhaps why you are questioning it. They want you to feel guilty because that is all the theists actually have anymore is projecting feelings of guilt;

marmot84 Level 7 Dec 27, 2018

whatever. you got out of going

TheDoubter Level 9 Dec 27, 2018

I think being an introvert we would use any excuse to avoid crowds so agnostic or headache easier than just saying no.We really do need more assertive

Xanadutoo Level 7 Dec 27, 2018

I think it’s possible to be an assertive introvert, I just haven’t managed it yet.

@Haemish1 I was kidding really about the assertive I wish I could do it without sounding tactless and abrupt.

@Xanadutoo Assertive is healthy. Aggressive is probably not acceptable.

@TheoryNumber3 I have just witnessed aggressive behaviour tonight.A woman was refused the sale of cigs ,without ID .At customer services,she said wheres the fat lady that usually severs me , I will wipe that smile off your face .It was a large suppermarket why did they not just tell her to leave.

@Xanadutoo Lots of angry people out there. They no longer feel obligated to hide it. Kinda scary

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