5 16

I literally love this group. It shows me, without awkward face to face interaction, that people like me are out there. That's the only 'down' side to 'us'. I don't like small talk or new people in general so that means that if there are like minded people wher I do end up going, we will probably never meet. I like being outside, alone... Mountain biking, alone... These activities give me joy and freedom from having to worry about another person's comfort or well being while I do things... It just easier... I don't know... I digress... I just wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoy the posts here and will visit often to feel welcome and 'alone' at the same time. Should make sense to this group. Peace. ✌?

ScorpioJo 4 Apr 9
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I too bike alone. The things most people prefer to do with someone we as introverts prefer to do alone.

Unity Level 8 Apr 10, 2019

I am an introvert, too, but am trying to learn how to "mimic" the actions of extroverts, so I can travel undetected in crowds. In my classes I talk about role playing; in different parts of our lives (with friends, family, on the job, etc.) we play different roles. It may be possible to learn enough of the extrovert role to allow one to make friends and develop more connections. I came up with a set of ten-twelve questions I could ask people (Where are you from? What do you do for a living? Why are you here today? What do you want to get out of this meeting?) that I hoped would allow a conversation to develop. Once you get someone started talking about themselves, it is usually easy to retreat back to the introvert role and say less. But I differ from you in that I WANT more people in my life, but have not entirely figured out how to do that.


Thanks for sharing! ?

MojoDave Level 9 Apr 9, 2019

Ironically, introverts become extroverts here.


Makes total sense to me.

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