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I am a member of the mental health support group on this site, and a member there wrote a post about this article (see link below). The gist of the article is that social support and a sense of being connected is important to improved mental health, and may be a partial antidote to depression.

The reason I am posting this to THIS group is that I read so many comments here where someone says, "I hate talking to strangers." Or, "I hate wasting time listening to someone else's trivial discussion." Etc.

But if the article (link is below) is accurate, social connections are essential to good mental health. So there is a need to put some of our introversion aside in order to connect with others. And that may mean we need to listen to some "trivia" in order to get to a deeper understanding of and connection with others.


citronella 7 May 15
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I am an off-the-chart introvert who loves people -- it drains me to socialize, but I've found that everyone is well worth the energy expenditure (in small doses, of course, because of my disposition).

Small talks scare me, but I've learned that they can be windows and paths into substantive and sincere thoughts and feelings. The art of conversation is fascinating, and perhaps (to me) one of the most valuable pursuits. i work on steering the conversation quickly from the superficial to what lies beneath. Of course this may make some uncomfortable, but so far i have been quite fortunate, and am grateful for all I've learned from people of various inclinations.

In fact, i think as introverts we are probably more capable than extroverted to shift conversations in much more interesting and rewarding ways -- we tend to like listening and to listen well.

Would love to hear everyone's thoughts and experiences on this, whether you agree or not or somewhere in between.

jocc Level 4 June 4, 2019

What lies beneath? Does this include conspiracy truths, theories on afterlife, ancient aliens, and since we are agnostic/atheists....RELIGION? LOL 🙂

@warlord13 Yup, i think off the bat i can't justify excluding topics that trigger an eye-roll or induce cringes in me... I mean, not necessarily to explore the content, but as a starting point to get to know how that person thinks and processes his experience. It does get challenging, i think, when the conversation companion is unable or unwilling to explore, and just stays on the top layer. In those cases i obviously can't fault them, but would run out of juice in 90 seconds and require an Excedrin.... 😟


Small talk is boring, skip to real talk. That's my advice.

Janus819 Level 7 May 17, 2019

I agree isnt the world filled with enough meaningless noise. If ur going to speak say something worth hearing.


I think there is a lot in what they say about living in larger 'tribal' or extended family groups being much better for avoiding mental health problems than our current isolated individual lives or small family groups. Even for introverts I think it probably works if we are allowed to be ourselves and are not persecuted to join in activities all the time.

CeliaVL Level 7 May 16, 2019

I think the key is meaningful connections.


I honestly wouldn't mind talking with people so much if they actually had something worthwhile to talk about. I get so tired of people talking about other people. Especially when it's someone I've never met. I couldn't care less what Karen's daughter's friend's sister did. Tell me about a newly discovered planet or tell me about a movie that you love. Share an idea that you have. SOMETHING beside constant gossip. I can't stand it.

Kynlei Level 8 May 15, 2019

Thank you! ❤

I agree . Some people simply don't have the capacity to move beyond the trivial


There's a LOT more than we need to hear .

Cast1es Level 9 May 15, 2019
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