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People like me should have teach high risk teenagers the ins and outs of living successfully off the scraps of the well adjusted world.

Goremmegedon 3 July 27
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Good job TRUTH @HowieHawkins20 @H'20


I don't think you should be let near high risk teenagers, because they need to learn common sense. Your poster has nothing to do with high risk teens.

@linxminx We need to teach critical thinking skills, not push dogma.

@linxminx I am glad someone is teaching critical thinking skills, but I don't think it is universally considered important.

About the original post - yes, we have a lot of things that need fixing in our country. But going around making sensationalist posts without any substantial information is a big part of what is wrong with the world lately. I would hope that if this is new information to anyone (such as at-risk youth), they would take the time to verify the information for themselves and ask serious questions and not just take the word of an internet ranter.

And to close with an accusation that no one is doing anything is kind of insulting. I dunno, maybe it was a joke for him to post it to the introverts groups, because of our quiet nature. Or perhaps he really thinks introverts don't care about anything.

Finally I have to admit he struck a nerve with the last line. I have to put up with a disturbed brother who thinks Obama is a Muslim and thinks the country is going to be overtaken by Muslims who will install Sharia law. This is just but one of his far out beliefs. But he always tells me I am not doing anything about it.


That's about it...

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