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Just checking in on my fellow introverts. I'm about spent but there's more to do. 😵

Kynlei 8 Dec 25
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Some estranged paternal family members showed up at my mom's. Mind you, my folks have been divorced since the late 80s, and my father got married again. Apparently, they carried on as if nothing ever happened, as though anything they did wasn't wrong. When I called my mom, she quickly handed the phone over to my uncle's wife, and I promptly hung up on her.

My mom called back in a bit, and left a message to call her back, so I did and immediately asked if they were gone. She said yes, and was so thankful that I called, because they were ready to go a few minutes after I hung up on her. lol She had been trying to figure out how to get rid of them, after they had been there about 30 minutes when I called. Trying to pump my mom for information, about her, and about me.

So that was the one glitch in our Christmas. Ugh.

bingst Level 8 Dec 25, 2019

Oh my goodness! You Mum needs to learn to refuse folk at the door.

She's okay? (And you I take it).

@RavenCT Yeah, but we were both upset. I think I'll have to curtail what little contact I have with my brother. They seem to know things about us from recent history, and I can only think that my brother told them.

@bingst That or have one hell of a discussion with your brother about boundaries.

There are things I discuss within the family and things I would never discuss with "family" that was more distant - and family knows that?

Let me guess your brother wasn't the bright one.

Why after 30 years they decided to show up? That's just weird.

Particularly if there is bad blood.

I have relatives I'd be glad to see to this day - we just live too far apart. There are others however I'd avoid like the plague. And normally siblings would know that?

@RavenCT My brother is an evangelical, and they claim to be. He seems to have conveniently forgotten all the crap they put me through. Some of that Christian forgive and forget nonsense? I'm not sure.

@bingst Eww fudge that nonsense.


I'm doing great. All the family festivities I'm obligated to attend are over with and I'm just chillin' today. But I wish Walmart was open 🙂

Me too

@bobwjr Solitaire and old movies. Love it!

@TheoryNumber3 same here but I have Amazon and Netflix

@TheoryNumber3 Is Die Hard on the movie list? 😛

@bingst we watched it Christmas eve with family - it was a blast - 7 of us up until 1:15 am!

@bingst Yanno... I've never seen that one Today I watched "Big". Love that movie

@TheoryNumber3 It's a classic Xmas movie. 😛

@bingst @TheoryNumber3 The Director classifies "Die Hard" as a Christmas Movie.... 😉

"Big" is such a classic feel good movie? I'd have watched that again for sure!

We watched Home Alone (One and Two) today - those are pretty classic as well. We laughed ourselves silly.

Though the winner this year for holiday films was "A Pocketful of Miracles" - Glenn Ford and Bette Davis and a stellar studio cast - just a great feel good holiday film. It's got a great plot line and I don't know how it escaped being in my holiday line up all these years.

@RavenCT thanks Raven. I'll put that one on my list

@TheoryNumber3 there is a free copy on YouTube the link is here: "It's Holiday Movie time:

8:45 pm EST for trailers - 9:15 pm EST for Movie start."

@RavenCT Thank you so much. That was very nice of you. I won't be home tonight, but maybe I can figure out to catch it another time. I can get youtube on my TV thru xfinity.

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