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So, I spend almost all my time alone with my own thoughts and rarely connect enough for even a lengthy conversation. For me it is a huge trust issue as I am quite certain that I am more extroverted than my lifestyle would suggest.
Throughout my life I was extremely affectionate and loved to make other people happy but I grew up around too many evil people to believe anyone is on the level with me. I am currently suffering the whiplash of trusting a few people. It took me years to trust them only to end up so fucked over I am barely able to survive right now.
I love to interact with people but I sure do not trust anyone anymore and would just rather be left alone than betrayed again.In some ways I think my desire to see everyone safe and content has drawn the users of the world to me and damn people sure can be deceptive if not outright rude, ignorant and self serving.
Anyone else think they may be more extroverted but have trust issues that make solitude more appealing?

CreativelyMe 7 May 25
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I have found myself in a similar situation. I no longer know if it is safe to ever trust anyone again. Life is difficult, while trying to please everyone else we could loose sight of ourselves. Now fragmented it is difficult to know how introverted or extroverted one should ever allow oneself to become. An issue is that while trying to decide one could let our precious time in this world pass us by?

JB4now Level 5 May 30, 2018

I figure that we can have acquaintances and fill some of the void. Give of ourselves with caution?


I definitely have trust issues, I don’t trust anyone... it sucks, but what can you do when you have been screwed over by supposed friends... I find it impossible to get close to someone...

Me too. Too many people conned me and abused my trust to the point of no return. It sucks because now I am the one that prevents relationships from getting off the ground.


Wow i read this and then all the comments and i understand a lot of it. I have found myself being less and less socially active. i use to be that outspoken, loud half crazy guy you would see at a party, i use to be able to walk up to anyone and have a conv. like a people person maybe. even then tho i rarely trusted anyone. I have not trusted anyone new in probably 10 years. Seems i meet someone and about the time i feel they have gained my trust they do something so stupid and i get more upset by the fact i actually opened up to them then whatever stupid thing they did. my last 2 LTR were with women i grew up around and those ended poorly and meanwhile the group of "trusted ones" have either found a way to be untrusted or moved away. I have been learning here lately to be socially active again and when i meet new people i make myself give a layer of trust and expect that trust to get broken. I no long and probably never will put myself in a situation where i would have to rely on trust. I call myself a realist and i guess not trusting people is as real as it gets these days because trust is more of an idea (like god) then an actual thing.

Pk31982 Level 4 May 29, 2018

I think the most difficult part of it for me is that I no longer trust my own judgment. Like you said trust is more of an idea than a reality though. Many people trust someone they should not and/or are suspicious of those that can be trusted.
For me, one of the worst aspects of being brutally betrayed was that I had no-one to talk to about it and ended up completely isolated. I am liking this site because I have people to talk to now and it is easier to see through the BS. I have weeded out numerous people because I do not like the way they speak to people and am following some people that have already been very helpful just by responding respectfully to me.


Not to get too political, but the last election really put me over the edge, in terms of trust. There are people who I thought had my back, as it were, who really disappointed me. It wasn't so much that you voted for a different person than I did, but that I saw your character, and who you are as a person, that left me shellshocked and afraid to express myself honestly around you. It has caused me to question most relationships in my life, and I have really gone into my shell, in the last year and a half. It's not just about politics, but also race. As a black man, I am concerned not only about trust, but safety, as well.

tony6149 Level 5 May 26, 2018

I totally get that. The hate is so bold and in your face now. It's like people are proud to be assholes. I don't know if you are familiar with the Standing Rock Sioux protest but the police brutally attacked Natives even though they were unarmed. Being any color other than white puts a person in jeopardy these days especially if they speak up for themselves. My brother is black and gets called the N word by complete strangers. It is so hostile these days and now we have a president that promotes the violence and hate. Our country is out of control. I hope you find solace here.

I agree. I'm pretty sure that most of my extended family voted for Trump, and it made me wonder who these people really WERE. I was naive; I thought things were getting better in this country, but apparently I just didn't know how much anger and hatred still existed in this country.


I have an ex that fits that description


I totally agree with you. I've been badly let down with a couple of partners in relationships so I tend to protect myself nowadays. I have a couple of close friends who I see on occasion but don't really like people on a fundamental level. You must have gone through some terrible experiences in life and that saddens me. There are good caring people out there, the only problem is connecting with them.

Alanb5 Level 4 May 25, 2018

Yeah I seem to draw the worst of the crop. My 1st "BF" is now married to my first ex and I just found out my 2nd "BF" was telling my daughter lies about me to make herself look good. I guess I must still have some faith in humanity left since I am on this site trying to find people I can connect with.

@CreativelyMe Good to hear that. Scars never really heal they just scab over. I found I'm a bit too unique to fit in with most people. Not in a narcissistic way, I dislike and mistrust people with that quality. They are usually insecure behind their blind confidence. Take your time and do it on your own terms. Society has drifted into individualism and selfishness, the problem is those attributes isolate us. Consumerist society wants us to fill the gap in our life with buying things, which in the end leaves us with objects and little or no relationship to them.

@Alanb5 Thanks for the support. You make good points.


I hope that you will reconsider your all-or-nothing approach to social interaction. Having a conversation with someone does not give them power over you, and YOU can set whatever boundaries you are comfortable with. Friends can provide rewards and can make life more interesting. You are exposed to new ideas and new experiences. But, again, YOU determine what your boundaries are. You can decide what topics you are/are not comfortable talking about, what types of experiences you will/ will not participate in, etc. Maybe start with an activity where you get social interaction, but nothing too personal. Take an adult enrichment class (making pottery, learning to make Japanese food, whatever). Go on a tour of a local landmark. Give yourself (and other people) a chance before you write off the whole human race.

citronella Level 7 May 25, 2018

That’s advice I should follow! Several narcissists/toxic people have left me overly cynical and skeptical of everyone...I know I’m too defensive too.
Sigh, it’s an ongoing process.

I am 55 years old and have given too many people chances already. I appreciate your sentiments but the last 2 experiences have me shell shocked and in no hurry to trust again. I have not written people off per say but I definitely do not trust my judgment right now so I am here online hoping to make some authentic connections that might change my perspective but my track record is horrible and the betrayals have been severe not just let downs. My most recent attempt to socialize resulted in me having to report the BOD of the local youth center for embezzlement only to end up restricted from the property and ostracized by many members of the community so it is not at all as simple as taking a class and meeting new people.

@CreativelyMe Of course you are right, it's not that simple. But you have to start somewhere and that's what my suggestions were focused on. Joining a group or taking a class is an experience where you can control how much you let people in, and how much you are willing to share. I know that it's tough; I'm trying to talk myself into taking my own advice, and struggling to do so. I certainly didn't mean to disparage anyone's experiences, nor did I mean to say that doing this kind of stuff is easy or that it solves all problems. If it came across that way, I apologise.

@citronella Yes and no. It felt that way but I knew where your heart was. I do appreciate your support! Thank you.

@citronella I have been literally criminalized but a very people that go to hell I've had so many bitter experiences for helping people I guess I'm not the only one people are so perceptive especially religious people


Just look at my user name ?
I think most people are self serving. I will continue to think that until someone else proves the contrary.
I've got to the point where my only friend is my husband. I do t trust my old friends and definitely not my own family. I think how I was raised and my experiences as a child have done the most damage.
But I like to look at it as you live and you learn.
The lesson? PEOPLE SUCK.

PeopleSuck Level 4 May 25, 2018

I’m with you; I learned that people suck early with my narcissistic mother. And...too many continue to suck!

I am glad you at least have a trust worthy spouse. That is big. I have my cat now and my daughter but I don't think I will ever be able to trust anyone enough to let them get close enough to betray me. I sure do draw some underhanded people into my world that have left me feeling completely drained.

That is so true I think most people do suck especially the religious people you go get beer joint nobody's putting on airs but you go to a church you don't know who the Viper is

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