7 14

Y'all my peach trees are covered in, well, peaches! Anyone have any suggestions on how to keep the bugs from snacking on them? Blackberry bushes are blooming and my grapes vines are covered!
Spring brings beautiful Bearded Iris & wild roses 🌹

Heidi68 8 Apr 17
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Interesting to see peaches starting so early. I don't think my Santa Rosa plums are even so far along as that. North Carolina, huh? I'd grow them if I could make them happy but I think they want more cold than they'd get here. I remember being allowed to pick and eat a peach while on a school retreat. You could see the nectar dripping off it. In ninety + degree temperatures it was hard to eat without making a mess. So amazingly good.

MarkWD Level 7 Apr 19, 2020

a friend up in northern VA had peach trees and we use to ride the horses past them - I would always snatch a few for the ride - now that is a mess in the making but oh so delicious 😋


Looks like good old Malathion dust....and soon...or them babies will be filled with worms and all sorts of 'ills"


Robecology Level 9 Apr 18, 2020

Thanks for the link!


Can for later use, or gather and share with neighbors.


lady bugs

Mooolah Level 8 Apr 18, 2020

is that
Lady bugs are eating the peaches or Lady bugs will eat the bugs eating the peaches?

@Heidi68 You can buy ladybugs online to release onto the trees. They will feast on the buggers, not the peaches.

@Mooolah Thank you for the clarification. I saw 2 ladybugs last night on one of the trees. Tonight the wind is howling so I doubt anything is holding on.

@Heidi68 Those ladybugs hunker down under bark an other crevasses. They know how to ride the wind also.


I've heard that if you thin out the peaches , that the ones left will be sweeter .

Besalbub Level 8 Apr 18, 2020

This is the 1st year with any real amount. They are young trees - the last couple of years I only got a couple on one tree and critters or bugs got them.

@Heidi68 I tried growing peach trees twice in the 80s and failed twice . I don't know anyone having any success with peaches in Carteret co .


No idea about the little critters but you should start getting peachy 😊


Looks like you will be will stocked with peaches and blackberries. I'd love to see your irises when they open all the way.

RussRAB Level 8 Apr 17, 2020

I love posting my flowers - you will soon be tired of them

@Heidi68 - Don't be so sure of that. I really love flowers. If they produce fruit or vege's, all the better.

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