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Spring is here! It's not so much the day time temps as the over night dips. It is somewhat iffy in a high desert plateau but the water is on at the downtown community garden and next week the irrigation water at the CWU community garden will be running and I can seed my beds.
My beds in both gardens are ready for seeding. I have put some radish and kale seeds in at the downtown plot. I mostly grow zucchini and patty pan squash, cucumbers and greens. I love the nightshade family of vegies but they don't like me so I have to limit how much of them I eat so I trade with my fellow gardens when I need a few tomatoes or eggplant.
I'll probably never post a pic as I don't have a cell phone with me most of the time at the gardens. I would be very annoyed if a phone rang and interrupted me 🙂.

silverotter11 9 Apr 18
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Can't you put the phone on airplane mode and just use it for photos. My cell doesn't have coverage in the house but when I go on trips I often leave it off and use the camera or solitaire game.

JackPedigo Level 9 Apr 18, 2020

It's a flip top and does have a camera, basically I just can't be bothered with the damn thing. I will carry in the pack on my bicycle when I am out in itt but I don't usually carry it in the car when I go to the grocery store or to the genden plots. Just me I guess.

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