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It seems its Earth Day, and we have to celebrate the things we do for nature. Well, I don't do a lot but when I create a garden it usually turns out very untidy, which I am told is a really good thing. Though I don't do it only because its good, sorry to say, I just think that untidy gardens look the best, and are the most interesting, what do you think ?

Fernapple 9 Apr 22
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, , , when I create a garden it usually turns out very untidy, which I am told is a really good thing.

Who are those people and why can't I run them over with the weed eater? Weeds tend to choke out plants and if they're my plants, the weeds grow taller than my plants until my plants can't be seen.

Part of the grand plan of gardening is to create something nature would NEVER create on its own.

No it only looks untidy, I don't allow any weeds. I am a control freak when it comes to weeds.

@Fernapple If you thought I wanted you for your body -- you're wrong.

I want you gardening. After my two strokes, my gardening days are largely over. If I could only met someone in love with weeding daily . . . .

@WonderWartHog99 Yes I do weed every day, its a passion with me, but regretably my working days for money are nearly over, and I am a heterosexual male sorry, so that won't work either.


Beautiful scene you have created there!
I have always much preferred the lush look, including the overgrown cottage garden and naturalistic park look, over the Old European strictly symetrical and geometric look. And more importantly, wildlife seems to find it makes a more attractive place to live, as well. My caveat is that I don't need dense foundation plantings hugging my house, inviting bugs and snakes into MY home.



skado Level 9 Apr 22, 2020

Very beautiful !

Cast1es Level 9 Apr 22, 2020

It's a gorgeous garden! Not what I was expecting at when I read "untidy". Rich, lush, and natural is what I see.

Lauren Level 8 Apr 22, 2020

I can like both, but prefer the more natural look.

Around here the "natural look" is a cat briar patch with flesh ripping one inch thorns. For me, I often have to put on my rhino hide leather gloves to pull out the weeds.

@WonderWartHog99 Natural usual means with some modifications. I had never heard of cat briar. Ouch!

@itsmedammit I have come to hate any rose that grows on a vine. They reach out and grab me when I pass by with the mower.


I agree to a point. My garden is reverting back to a more "natural" state meaning lots of unwanted and often invasive plants.

JackPedigo Level 9 Apr 22, 2020

I think gardens that look more natural, like nature intended are much prettier than those that are planted Symmetrical.

Well said and I agree, sort of. Our island was mostly clear cut in the early days. The forests are mostly 2nd and 3rd growth. To get to the "natural" state takes a lot of time (and often a major fire) and now the woods are full of downed and rotted branches and smaller species of trees (Alders and Willows) that are trying to fill in spaces. We are facing a real mess and a major fire hazard. A major forest fire does not look pretty but it is natures way of organizing things.
However, one really ugly (sometimes) things are topiary's.


They say that an overly tidy desk is the sign of a sick mind, I think the same goes for gardens.

Surfpirate Level 9 Apr 22, 2020

They also say one can tell how a person feels on the insides by how they surround themselves outside. A cluttered area often accompanies a cluttered mind. Natural is one thing but clutter is a different matter. My dining room table is often my desk and is cluttered with papers. However, the rest of the house is neat. I need to have space I can breath and feel relaxed.

@JackPedigo I've always been a fan of the strewn system of organization, it appears to be chaos but I know where everything is and can reach out a get it immediately. Years ago a boss challenged me on this and I put every file he pulled off the top of his head, out of where I had it filed in assorted piles and placed it in front of him, he gave up trying to make his point around a half dozenth attempt.
However, I had a secretary once who decided to help me out and file everything away for me while I was off sick for a few days, I was lost for weeks until I could get things reorganized, she never did that again.

@Surfpirate lol That's one problem with being 'organized' in a certain way. A friend and I were talking about wills and death. He said his father had died and left no will. He and his brothers were going through the stacks of newspapers and a bond fell out of one stack. They realized their dad had investments and hid them in the stacks so they had to spend days going through the papers. It was so convoluted one brother is no longer speaking to them. I have heard many such horror stories.

I took a graduate course in Records Management and worked the field for a huge, int'l accounting firm. One thing we were told was the question "What if I need so and so" should not apply. That only encourages hording. One should ask "If I need so and so can I find the information."

When my partner was dying she was physically and mentally active (she lost her speech). but was determined to get things in order. I finally told her not to worry as I will handle things. Still she tried. I feel the same way, please no loose ends. I am putting everything in an easy to manage order as my executor, family and friends will have to sort things out.

@JackPedigo My wife is a minimalist and an organizer, we've been retired for more than a decade and still she feels the need to file, lablel and colour code everything, it makes no difference but it keeps her happy, I let it go unless she touches my stuff, then we have a nice discussion about boundaries. 🙂
At the moment I am looking for a set of keys for the motorhome that has a key for the trailer hitch. I know where I left it but it is no longer there, she is being very evasive about the topic so I expect she has filed it and can't remember where because it isn't particularly important to her. OCD behavior can be quite annoying.

@Surfpirate My late partner was also a minimalist and I would kid her that she would be happy living in a nuns cell with just a bed, table, chair and maybe a candle. She would just smile. She was much more organized than I, even without training. She also loved to organize and label. One time we had a organizing party at an ole ski lodge and she took on making labels for all the dry goods in the kitchhen. She wrote everything down and made fancy labels on our computer. The next week something came up and she asked me to deliver the labels to another woman who was assisting her. Several months later there was a dinner celebration about a summer project at the lodge. The chef was talking to us and said they had some problems. Someone made chicken & dumplings but the dumplings were inedible. Later they made some rolls which proceeded to explode in the oven. Later we found that the 'helper' mixed up baking soda with the flour jar. Too funny.

Sorry about the key issue. I am paranoid about keys and always have an extra set. Good luck.


I think it is wonderful!

Spinliesel Level 9 Apr 22, 2020
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