10 4

Hi All,

I am new to this group. I was hoping someone might have some advice for me. I have mosquitoes in my yard. Most unpleasant. I never leave standing water near my garden. A friend suggested I build a bird house for purple marlins but I have a dog and I think by dog would scare the birds away. Any ideas?

JuneSummerSky 5 May 11
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I always saw mosquitoes on my side porch , until I planted mints in the flower boxes there .

Cast1es Level 9 June 14, 2020

Thank you for the tip.


I used skin-so-soft body wash ages ago, in addition to smelling wonderful, imo, it helped. But I eventually returned to standard repellants with deet. They work clearly the best for me, and I am not spraying the yard with poison that way.

Thank you.


I lived in Florida many years (not far from you - in lake city and gville).
I had lemon grass all over my yard, specially wherein used to hangout. It helped with repelling mosquitoes, but also no stagnant water is important. If you have a pond or any source of water garden, make sure you place a mosquito larvae eating living thing inside as well.

Zoohome Level 8 May 17, 2020

Get rid of all sources of stagnant water. Mosquitoes don't travel far from where they breed. Even an overturned bottlecap suffices.

CallMeDave Level 8 May 13, 2020

Thank you


As others have said birds 🐦 and bats are the best. I have never had luck with citronella.

Heidi68 Level 8 May 12, 2020

Thank you.


They are bad here in Louisiana, too. To a degree, those annoying pests are still an important food source for some critters. Avoiding standing water, though good, is never fully possible. I second the citronella suggestion. Anything you can do to just disguise your own scent is preferable to blasting the yard with chemicals.

Thank you.


I believe made golds and lavender are deterents? I'd ask at a good garden center.

The dog and birds should be fine.
If you have neighborhood cats that roam free that's can be an issue. But dogs and small species of birds coexist well.

RavenCT Level 9 May 11, 2020

Depending on the size of your garden, spray citronella oil around and use citronella oil burners around where you sit.
Eucalyptus oil on the skin helps keep them away & tea tree oil is good for reducing the itching of bites.

FrayedBear Level 9 May 11, 2020

Thank you🙂


Swallows and martins both are good additions for bug control. Never seems to be bothered by my Brittany. Put a 12
or 15 foot pole up with the house at the top for either bird you want to attract.

Thank you

Exactly the birds are high up the dogs aren't.

Even when I had a birding dog she coexisted just fine with the feeders on my back deck.I
Now if it were a turkey or a duck? She'd have lost her mind. 😄


Dogs will not normally bother martins, their nests are many feet above what most dogs consider their territory. Bat houses work too. While it may sound counter intuitive, a small fishpond with mosquito fish will reduce their population. Having said all of that, You live in Florida, the state bird is a mosquito, so best of luck.

glennlab Level 10 May 11, 2020

Thank you.🙂

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