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I'm going to the nursery tomorrow morning, first thing (it's alway empty at opening time).
My list:
2 hanging baskets one of red begonias and one mixed colored moss roses
10 small cacti for my cactus planter
large pot of strawberries
1 elephant ear bulb for the place next to my patio
several pink and yellow snapdragons for a med pot
1 large tomato plant, Better Boy
2 doz red bricks to trim my patio
1 bag potting soil

NoPlanetB 8 May 17
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I was in our large, community greenhouse and noticed a large number of tomato plants. There will be a bumper crop this year and one couple friend of mine said we will all share. Since tomatoes are short lived I suggested we all can some. I have done that many times and it is a great way to preserve this vegetable. One favorite for our area is called Stupice. []

JackPedigo Level 9 May 18, 2020

Don't be afraid of a couple of impulse buys as well. If you are anything like here in the UK, nurseries have been hit hard, and had to dump stock. So save a something from the skip.

Fernapple Level 9 May 18, 2020

Good luck but don't let you guard down virus-wise.

MarkWD Level 7 May 17, 2020

I buy too much thinking I will plant it, and then life gets in the way. This year I planted every thing I bought, but only bought for the veggie garden. Then the damn bunnies got the basil, so I had to go back to the nursery to get more basil.

I put my basil in a pot outside the sliders for that very reason, and gives the dogs a hobby


Good for you for having a plan. I spend too much time wandering around just looking for things I might like to plant.

I try hard to get everything in the ground and feel so virtuous when I do. But this year I had one friend show up at a garden visit I'd organized with a truck load of divisions he'd potted up from his garden for us to take. I got some good ones. Then another friend just moved to Oregon and was pressing plants on everyone. When I mentioned liking the pearlescent white rose out front she had it out of the ground in no time and wrapped in burlap. So I haven't gotten everything planted this year but I've gotten quite a bit in.

One strategy I always do before visiting a new nursery or one with a lot of temptation is to walk the garden first, looking for holes and possible upgrades. Then I have an idea of the conditions I have available and don't pick up any plants for which I can't identify a possible location.

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