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When I first got this Wisteria I thought it was a big disappointment, its a form called Roseum, and it seemed pallid and dull. But now that it has grown and it is set against the dark wall, I have changed my mind.

Fernapple 9 May 21
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Lovely, and I am partial to white flowers! I like how the lavender color accentuates the shape of each blossom.


No reason at all not be happy with that!

MarkWD Level 7 May 21, 2020

To all who want to grow Wisteria Good Luck. It is a beast and sends vines and roots everywhere. Be prepared for a full time job. One was on the property when we bought it and it was beautiful (but managed to send vines everywhere). Then I noticed another non-similar plant growing right from it's main stems? What the hell so I asked a landscaper friend and he said Wisterias are normally grafted to another rootstock. Sometimes the cells from the rootstock can creep past the graft and appear along the plant. There is a term for that and I made a post with pictures some time ago. Finally I decided to get rid of it. I cut back most and even cut some of the root/vines (anything over a couple will root and grow even though it is not a part of the main root). Some has appeared again this year so I will have another go at it. It may take a couple of years. A friend has this plant and she grew it next to her garage. Big mistake as the vines find their way into every nook and cranny and even under the siding and into the garage ceiling. it can destroy a building. Don't say you haven't been warned.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 21, 2020

I am pleased to say that this one is not grafted, and it has stayed small, 8feet high 8feet spread, and not produced any runners, for some ten years now. Sadly grfted plants are often put on to cheap weedy root stocks to save the growers money.

@Fernapple Interesting. I was told the blue one is a Japanese variety and is usually grafted. Yours is white. I will have to ask my landscaping friend about un-grafted varieties.


That subtle blush is beautiful.


Remember that with wisterias, do not plant next to buildings. Maintain at least 10 feet clearance and prune back heavily every year. They can ruin a roof and get under the siding of houses. Many towns will have ordinances for wisteria distances from buildings.
Waiting for this one to do its thing.


It’s gorgeous! I planted two to grow over the pergola my husband built at the house I just sold in March. I miss seeing and smelling the beautiful flowers in the spring! The bees sure did love my old place.😉

You are lucky you don't have to deal with it.

@JackPedigo I never had a problem with trimming the plant back when it got to bushy or had to many runners. In fact I rather enjoyed keeping it looking manicured.

@Redheadedgammy Must be a climate thing. I have had lots of issues and made some posts some time ago. My friend is used to getting others work for her so she could care less about the monster. Our local celebrity, Cisco Morris has gone on record if you grow Wisteria expect a real never ending job.

@JackPedigo boy is that the truth! It is a never ending job to keep that plant under control! I didn’t mind though because I loved the flowers and the shade that it gave me over the pergola. I wonder how the new owners are coping with it though?😳

@Redheadedgammy I noted from Fernapple that his is small. I also noted it is white not blue. There may be different version some grafted and some not. Yours probably is. Mine is returning albeit smaller. At one time I spotted a bunch of bikers taking pictures of my Wisteria along with the long row of blooming Ceonothus'. Little did they, or I, know. This year when the blooms are gone I will try again to remove it. Yes, it may be worth some work but only if that is all one has. I wish!!



Donna_I Level 8 May 21, 2020
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