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I have so many weeds in my garden that I cannot see the plants that are suppose to be there in the first place.

Jolanta 9 May 22
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I know this all too well...

19dacar52 Level 7 June 11, 2020

Had to really laugh. I had a small bed of asparagus and harvested some 10 stalks so far. The bed is really in need of weed maintenance so I decided to take the challenge. Wrong. when I approached a bird flew out of the weed patch. When I investigated this is what I found. Hopes she returns and I guess I'll just have to wait. Notice how many weeds. I'll put my weed patch against yours.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 23, 2020

That's lovely. I hope she comes back too.

@Jolanta I'm almost afraid to look.


I have that same problem every year. It's grasses mostly in mine. @tinkercreek has the right idea.

RussRAB Level 8 May 23, 2020

Chin up, just work on on 24"x24" patch at a time, until it's completely cleared - don't cheat! Being able to see your progress is awfully encouraging, as opposed to facing the whole lot of it.


The weeds will always win in the end, they have home town advantage but if we can even manage to keep them in check without resorting to chemicals then I call it a win.

Surfpirate Level 9 May 22, 2020

I try not to use chemicals but will probably have to on my drive way.

@Jolanta There are more natural solutions and this guy illustrates how to do it, plus he is kinda fun to watch.

@Surfpirate, @Jolanta Just sprayed-on vinegar will take care of just about anything you want to stop growing, and anything else that tries to come up for a while.

@Jolanta boiling water?


If i do not make at least 2 periods a day with hoe in hand i am falling behind. The May rains have been steady so i slacked a few days now on the verge of getting caught up again. And it rained again lol.

I try to do some every day but today it’s raining.


My garden gets that way every July .

Besalbub Level 8 May 22, 2020

I have been away for two months and it has been raining quite a bit.

@Jolanta That would do it


cultivate the weeds, sorry just being a smartass. It can get away from you so easily when you are away for awhile.

glennlab Level 10 May 22, 2020

Yes it did.

@Jolanta Might I suggest vinegar and citric acid, and just kill it all, it can be heart breaking, but if they are all annuals a lot less work, if they are perrenialls songe it on the weeds. Works best in full sun for at least 4 hours.

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