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How does your garden grow, hopefully it is fertile, full of sunshine and without too many weeds.

Surfpirate 9 June 2
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Some people could take offense at this concept (not so much here, I would think) but I find it to be more of a comfort. The idea of being connected to everything and having some sort of commonality with all life and even the inanimate appeals to me. Becoming compost doesn't bother me in the least. 'Pushing up daisies' (I'd prefer they were irises) just means a part of my body gets to flower.

RussRAB Level 8 June 2, 2020

Haters are going to hate no matter what you do, so do what you like and be happy. 🙂


Beautifully said....

Lavergne Level 8 June 2, 2020

great post!

Donna_I Level 8 June 2, 2020

I have never seen my garden without too many weeds.

Lorajay Level 9 June 2, 2020

Signs of an interesting life?

My weeds have learned how to behave and coexist quite subdivision "perfection" for me these days.....everything is a little wild and wooly. hahahahaha

There are certain weeds I'd like to grow in my garden.

Lavergne, That's the look I'm looking for but there are some really invasive weeds that have ruined my picture. We have something called buck brush that makes a tall shrub or a short tree and propagates from runners that is ruining everything for me.

I feel your pain....we have something they call cow vine in the south....nasty thing that will eventually take over the world. And what we think might be indigo - impossible to get rid off and creates a thick underbrush that covers most of the property. I realized the best I could do was create an area surrounding the house that is devoted to the pretty ornamental plantings - a "perimeter" of sorts and let mother nature have her way with the rest.... 😉

@Lavergne I looked up cow bine and I think it's what we call trumpet Vine. I have that popping up in places too. At least it has flowers.[]
I'm also fortunate to have wild honeysuckle that chokes out other plants if I let it get away from me.

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