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I so enjoy coming home to my front entrance area this year, and as the sun warms up now it smells lovely, of honeysuckle and heliotrope!

tinkercreek 8 June 14
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Used to have honeysuckle in back yard morning was fragrant

bobwjr Level 10 June 14, 2020

The birds sowed honeysuckle up and down in the woods in our forested area and it's all you smell this time of year.

RavenCT Level 9 June 14, 2020

Lovely, I definitely envy you you're heliotrope.

Lorajay Level 9 June 14, 2020

I miss my home and veggie garden...

Being a mommy and raising those littles can replace many things in life, at least temporarily. I DO remember!

@tinkercreek yes... Children are wonderful but i always think of my veggie garden when i go to a produce stand ....


Love that

bobwjr Level 10 June 14, 2020

Very peaceful!

Heidi68 Level 8 June 14, 2020

Looks so 'restful' to the eyes and the soul.

Jolanta Level 9 June 14, 2020

Easy to see why. Nothing like nature to bring down the blood pressure and release the endorphins.

MarkWD Level 7 June 14, 2020

Nice. It is fun to look at and enjoy the freshness odors of gardening. With a cup of coffee and some morning perusing the flower beds. Very nice job!


I see the heliotrope, but I don't see the honeysuckle. Is it not in the picture? It looks wonderful very attractive and inviting. I like your use of the smaller stones.

RussRAB Level 8 June 14, 2020

Now you do! Still needs some cleanup and fresh mulch across the path 😉. Unfortunately the whole lot sits under that giant "trash ash", which allows me only 2-3 summer months without constant cleanup.


Like the little tree like shrub in the second pic between the windows .

Besalbub Level 8 June 14, 2020

That is actually a Bloodgood Maple, which (fortunately) has barely grown since planted about 8 yrs ago.

@tinkercreek I killed 2 of those too.

@Lorajay How did you do the deed , Round Up or a ax ?

@Besalbub poor soil and irregular watering

@Lorajay An ax would have been quicker and more humane .

@Lorajay So maybe they are a bit fragile? Mine lost a branch balancing the left side over the winter, just dead as a doornail this spring, and I don't know why.

@tinkercreek I have heavy clay soil and I provided morning shade and afternoon sun. I think I also fertilized it the 1st year and did not put on 6" of mulch. In other words I did everything wrong both times.[] Both times I got lucky and got them 1/2 price . It was early enough in the year because every once in a while you can just get lucky at Lowe's when they have too much stuff they do everything half price.


like it

glennlab Level 10 June 14, 2020

Thanks! When I bought the place, it was just solid foot-high blue vinca vines from one side to the other, except for the two large trees.

@tinkercreek - You've done a great job transforming it. It looks great.

@MissKathleen Thank you, it's been a fun 'living canvas'!

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