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Give me a garden and I will have a kingdom.

Jolanta 9 July 31
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I have decided to do away with all my fruit 'plants' and am going to plant a bird, butterfly, bee, hummingbird sanctuary! I have fought every weird, horrible, mean bug and I just want to get some enjoyment vs constant work & bug battles.

Heidi68 Level 8 July 31, 2020

Do away with them ? I don't get a lot out of some of my berry plants but the birds do and I also have butterfly bushes and plants along with my veg garden . It takes time and knowledge to be successful with fruit and berries . You took the time to plant them , a little more time in taking care of them will help them produce . Don't let the bugs win . You can still plant your butterfly and humming bird plants and then when you retire you can eat your peaches and watch your butterflies

@Besalbub I was picking 200+ Japanese Beetles a day from June to July, July 1 to July 20 picked 75 to 100 a day, since then around 30 a day. The leaves look like lace. The June bugs have now shown up and are eating the blackberries. Blight hit one of my peach trees.... and something is messing with 2 of my grape vines.
All I do is work. 9 hours a day at my job, then nonstop at home. I just need a break.

@Heidi68 I'd just spray them some years they are worse than others . They are protected for a week and you don't have to pick them . They have jap beetle traps also which attract them to your property but do trap them.

@Besalbub I don't spray because I am trying to make a safe habitat for the pollinators...
I tried the traps (last year or the year before) and you are correct, they do trap them but they also attract them.... maybe that is why I have so many, for all the ones that didn't end up in the bag mated and laid grubs, which grew up, mated and well, you get the idea.

@Heidi68 I usually don't spray unless it's out of hand but if you spray the foliage and not the flowers it wouldn't affect the beez as much . The last planting of beans had a lot of flowers but no beans , I'm don't know if it was too hot or just no pollinators . I haven't seen many butterflies ether and I've been looking for them .

@Besalbub interesting - I have lots of bees & butterflies (had my 1st hummingbird Friday) and my plants are covered in fruits.
I am only slightly upset over my decision to change everything out - I live alone so there is no way I can eat or even pick everything produced. Plus I love all the pollinators and birds so I figure it is just as easy to support the local growers for my fruits and such.

@Heidi68 I'd save a lot of time and money if I did the same . My mom was a farm girl and we always had a garden ,I can only remember 1 year I didn't when we lived in an apartment . I'm working less and have more time to spend in the garden . Your not gonna dig them up are you ?

@Besalbub yes, I have a friend who wants them so come fall we will trim them back and he will take them.

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