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Heathen Gardener Kvetch time!
Not to sound negative(though I will), but to share an observation, I have spent a significant chunk of free time over the past couple of years watching various you tube videos on sustainability and permaculture gardenining and farming. I have mostly watched American, Canadian, Australian, and British videos. To a lesser extent, occasional Irish, New Zealand, South African and Indian videos. I am most impressed by the British pro-gardening cultural heritage and by Australian leadership in ecological causes, such as battling desertification and species loss.

Now the negative observation: While my own country, the U.S., does have some important representation in the sustainability movement, I am struck by how often the American videos I have watched drop unexpected comments promoting religiosity, either praising God, claiming their horticultural projects would be impossible without God, or, in the case of that "Back to Eden" guy, whats-his-name, actually turning his teaching lessons into a virtual Sunday school lesson. Yeah, I stopped watching him after a few attempts. It is so obnoxious.

I realize there are surely international gardener video personalities with some personal religious faith. But it seems only the U.S., along with some developing nations, that seems to think it a right and duty to proslytize to us Joe-Public viewers.

Living in the American South, I am sure I offend plenty of people merely by objecting to that missionary attitude. It is that arrogance of certainty that presumes religious faith is automatically a positive force, or at worst, benign, which I find so off-putting.

I welcome your thoughts on how you respond to to such magical thinking zealots.

MikeInBatonRouge 8 Dec 6
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And we wonder (not) why so many are sick and tired of having religion shoved down our throats. A large number are leaving religion which, sometimes, makes the religious try even harder.


YouTube is great, if I don't like something I am watching it is just a click away from something I do like watching.


Not something I ever thought about much. On the odd occasion when I see US videos over here, I just assume it is a part of your culture, like we say "bless you" when someone sneezes. Sadly it is also natural in many parts of the world, to simply assume that it is fake, and not really meant, which of course helps to get Americans a reputation for being phony, shallow and untruthful. They are not of course generally, but you have to wonder, if it is true at least of religion.

Fernapple Level 9 Dec 7, 2020

Having grown up in an evangelical church that emphasized "witnessing," I tend to notice. I imagine some people are genuinely trying to do what they believe their God wants. Others probably think it wins them social brownie points, so, yeah, fake. Can't necessarily tell who's who, though.


I generally just ignore it. If someone has some information I need, I will take what I need and leave the rest. Same as going to the grocery store, I don't have to get all they have to offer, I just take what I need or want. The rest I leave behind.

glennlab Level 10 Dec 6, 2020

Personally, I don’t care how great the idea, if the person giving it is spouting religious nonsense, I don’t listen because they have lost all credibility.

Right. When it comes to native species gardening info, nothing quite substitutes for local or regional information. When your region is The Bible Belt, it becomes an issue just to avoid all such videos. That's why the isolated random religious expression I try to ignore. The perennial offenders, however, I try to avoid.

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