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Here's my "garden" for this summer. The landlords did say I could put plants on the walkway as long as they weren't blocking access, so I decided on herbs in window boxes.

SkagwayKim 7 May 17
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Wind chimes are so very annoying. They belong inside as a burglar deterrent. Some people are sound sensitive as others are sight or smell sensitive. Herbs are a delight for the aroma. Not so much with wind chimes.

Mooolah Level 8 May 18, 2022

Definitely true. The one my neighbor had was small and I could barely hear it at my apartment door. I especially hate the ones that sound like cowbells.


Great start.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 18, 2022

You could make some hangers out of PVC pipe and hang them off the lower ledge of the hand railing to get them out of your walkway. If you decide that is a good way to go, don't forget to paint the PVC if you go that route because the sun`s ultraviolet light rays will destroy unpainted PVC.

azzow2 Level 9 May 17, 2022

I'm not allowed to attach anything to the building according to the landlords. They actually made my neighbor take down a wind chime!


I have pots of herbs on my deck. When I had them in the garden in the yard the damn bunnies decimated them, especially the basil. Well, I like my pesto, and the bunnies won't come up on the deck. I also have catnip on the deck, the neighbor kitties are frequent visitors. My raised beds have mostly tomatoes for the past couple of years.

SOunds like the start for greek salad.

@dalefvictor I have Greek salads frequently during the summer.

@HippieChick58 I will call before I show up. I will bring wine, and we can talk about dessert.


I did this too when I lived in an apartment. Lots of potted plants!! 😍

I want to put my bonsai trees outside too, but people around here will steal anything.

@SkagwayKim Wow, that’s awful. I love my plants and would be devastated if someone stole them. 😢

@SkagwayKim I have heard of people putting fish hooks in their plants, so they get into the thief. But then one just might be responsible for the harm done.

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