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Texas has been under a drought, no news there. But The current storms coming through have been fierce, though I can't hear them in my den. The satellite has been going in and out all night, but not lots of lightning. I just looked at my security cameras, since the TV has been off for about 15 minutes and I have a waterfall coming off my roof and a river running down my driveway. I'm glad I didn't add water to my fishpond or water my plants today. The creek across the street is about 6 feet higher than normal, but unless it comes up another 20 feet, I'm not worried.

glennlab 10 Aug 22
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When it pours. When it's's REALLY dry.

Climate change is real....but it's sneaky. It's happening too slowly for most of us to notice, or care.

As Al Gore put it, nearly two decades's an "Inconvenient Truth"

Robecology Level 9 Aug 22, 2022

Gore was and still is a visionary. How I wish he would have fought back more against Bush and his β€œwin”!


Wow! This shows a few images of what Dallas has had to deal with. I am closer to Ft Worth and I didn't see anything close to this ... Not yet anyway.

That link was supposed to have video of the floidung, but I didn't see it when I checked. Let's try this one.

RussRAB Level 8 Aug 22, 2022

I've gotten over a foot so far.


I remember the Texass rains. Often, when driving one was better off stopping under a bridge to gain some shelter from the waterfall. Don't miss the heat and rain one tiny bit. Wonder if the recent rains will restore the Trinity to a real river again.

JackPedigo Level 9 Aug 22, 2022

My ex is from Washington, and I told her she had never seen it rain, she laughed until we got to Houston in February and one of the Spring thunderstorms erupted. It was raining so hard we had to pull over to the shoulder and couldn't see beyond the hood. She looked at me and just said you're right, I've never seen it rain.


We have been getting some of those storms too! I wish they were the kind that came down softly and for a few hours instead of the torrential downpours we have been getting. Of course any rain is welcomed!!


Funny how many of these extreme weather phenomena has happened as predicted over fifty years ago about the time the word environment and global warming was used by a very small group of academics and scientists!!!

This time around most of central Texas is not immune, just not as much as up north and down south!!!

Get you wet weather stuff, sandbags, floats, and boats ready from fire to water over load is here to stay!!!


I've gotten rain last evening and it's still falling this morning, although I don't seem to have the dire conditions you do. It has been a welcome relief. I believe I've lost a newly plants plum tree, the Silverberry bushes, and possibly a fig tree from the drought. I did try to keep everything watered well, but the heat has been hard on everything.

RussRAB Level 8 Aug 22, 2022

I may have spoken too early. I have just received 3 Flash Flood Alerts from the National Weather Service on my phone. One says it is severe. I had no trouble driving in to the office, however. So far, this storm isn't the worst I've experienced here.


Streams can flood very quickly. Keep close watch.

KateOahu Level 8 Aug 22, 2022

It's been raining here in far West Texas, in the desert! My sticker weeds are growing beautifully, I've been pulling them in between the rain, still have a lot of work to do!

Ugh, what a task!

@MsKathleen It is! I'm about to call someone and just pay for it!


Yes that happened here in the UK too, the drought ended with a near flood. It is said that with global warming the weather may get more extreme and violent.

Fernapple Level 9 Aug 22, 2022

That has been the case on this side of the Atlantic. Until just recently, it has been hit and dry in Texas and other areas of the west while the east and Midwest flood with excessive rain. Now that Texas get some rain, we get far more than enough.


Ahhh, lucky you! We surely need it badly. I've been looking forward to it, but I seem to live in a bubble and got less than seven minutes of rain before it moved on ... perhaps on it's way to you.

Lauren Level 8 Aug 22, 2022

I am glad you are ok!

Zoohome Level 8 Aug 22, 2022

I sit on a hill so water rushes past me, Its going to the river that is over 200ft lower than me.


Yeah, 2 months without real rain down here. We had a big storm on Thursday. I wish it had happened today, so I could sleep with its sound.

Zoohome Level 8 Aug 22, 2022
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