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I have a papaya tree which is prolific at bearing fruit.
Lately the fruit are small(tiny) and fall off the tree.
The fruit does not have any seeds in it either.
I googled the problem and found it could be either a manganese deficiency or lack of male tree pollen. I gave it mineral fertiliser
The only other problem I can see is that it needs a male tree nearby
I have a store of papaya seeds, but I only want a few male plants.
Amy ideas on how to sex the seeds so that i do not have 20 female seedlings and no males?

vocaloldfart 8 Mar 12
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No idea. I lucked out with some great Papaya from my trees...and the daughter in law is making a cole-slaw from the unripened fruit as well!

Robecology Level 9 Mar 12, 2023

I do not think that there are ways to sex seedling plants, at least not without expensive equipment. Perhaps you could grow male and female clones from cuttings.

Fernapple Level 9 Mar 12, 2023

My ex departed father in law used to be able to sex seeds.
At the time I did not deem it important , so I took virtually no notice.
He used to say "learn what ever you can, because although it is not heavy, knowledge carries a lot of weight"
I wish now i would have listened and leaned.

@Kurtn It is probably possible with some seeds but not others of course.

How do you grow the clones? And know which are male or female?

@FrayedBear You start with a known male or female plant, and you take cuttings, layerings, or microprop them. I do not know if Papaya can be done from cuttings, since they are not something that I have grown, but it should be possible to clone them some way.

@Fernapple how do you get the gender to change?

@FrayedBear You don't, you start with what you want.

@Fernapple How can a male plant produce female clones?

@FrayedBear It does not, you start with a female for the female clones, and a male for the male ones. If you grow your first stock from seed, then you will get some of each, thereafter you take cuttings of the sex you want in the percentages you want.

@Fernapple I think Kurtn only has one tree.


Have you no local gardeners or plantations to advise you?
There's always the ABC.

FrayedBear Level 9 Mar 12, 2023

Colby would be the best one to ask. I will try and email him

@Kurtn 😂 you mean Jerry hyphenated Colby?

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