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A really fat happy ground hog has found my tomato plants. Anyone know of any repellents that work?

Goodhope458 5 June 16
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A shotgun comes to mind

Leafhead Level 8 June 17, 2018

My grandpa used to put juicy fruit gum in their holes... don't know if it repelled them or killed them.


A 22 bullet is often the best choice. I had one that decided to eat the hydraulic hoses off of my farm equipment. I tried everything from live traps to dog and cat repellants; nothing stopped it. It cost me thousands of dollars. It was so addicted to eating them that it would travel a 1/2 mile out into an open field at night to eat them. The only way I had to stop it was to kill it, something I was not that big on since they are uncommon in these parts. Good luck with your varmint should you choose not to kill it, those buggers are obsessive.


This probably isn’t going to be a very popular answer but when I lived in West Virginia I had to deal with them my 270 always done a good job of stopping them. They will destroy a garden fast.

Donto101 Level 7 June 16, 2018

is he eating above or below ground?

btroje Level 9 June 16, 2018

Above. He is eating the leaves

@Goodhope458 can you make a hardware cloth cage around it/them and secure it to the ground?


What's a groundhog?

FrayedBear Level 9 June 16, 2018

@kenriley Are they edible. If not, why not?

@kenriley Sounds like part of your meat supply has been delivered into your hands? Well almost - if they are that dim they should not be hard to catch.


I've planted 600 bulbs of garlic as a perimeter around my garden and 2 dozen lavender plants in the middle as deterrents to garden pests, plus a 6 foot high fence. Last evening my wife called me to come have a look at what was going on in the garden. Standing in the middle of the carrot patch was a deer eating away happily, I chased it off and it easily cleared the fence from a standing position, this morning 3 more were back and I went out to ask them to leave the area, they reluctantly edged away from me when I got within 20 ft., I think the only thing that will work is to get a dog. Our last dog was an accomplished groundhog killer, she loved to bring back her presents to me, usually without a head.

Surfpirate Level 9 June 16, 2018

I've read that the scent of human urine will keep the deer away, however you have to apply every day....

@HippieChick58 I was up at 5 am this morning and when I went to make the coffee I could see 3 deer hanging around in the old apple trees beside my vegetable garden. So while the kettle was coming to a boil so I could brew the coffee in the french press I slipped on my flip flops and wandered out to the garden to chase them off. They let me get with 20 ft before they became agitated, so I did the guy thing and whipped out and drained the lizard in the hopes it would drive them away. They moved away another 10 ft but that's all, so I asked them nicely to leave my garden alone but feel free to eat anything else, they went back to munching on the lower branches of the apple trees. Once back inside and the boiling water poured over the coffee grounds I go back to the solarium and have a look to see how my urine deterrent is working and there's the smallest of the three deer standing right on top of where I just peed.
I guess human pee works better when there are human hunters around drinking lots of beer as they wait to shoot the deer that come to the corn piles that 'hunters' like to put out so they don't have to actually hunt. 😉

@Surfpirate LOL!! Thank you for your effort in dispelling that myth. I appreciate your efforts and your report.

@HippieChick58 I was a bit crestfallen to say the least. 😟

@HippieChick58 Lol you are just looking for any excuse to relive your feral hippie days? ?

@FrayedBear Hippies are not known for following rules

@Surfpirate Perhaps it needs to go stale and rancid?


I have damn bunnies nibbling on my herbs, I feel your pain. And I have no clue what to do with a groundhog if it isn't February.

Rabbit pie?

@FrayedBear The lawn mower decimated a burrow one summer. I don't notice that the population has decreased 😟 I usually see six or 8 in the half mile it take me to get out of my neighborhood in the mornings. And that is just in the front yards.

@HippieChick58 Get a tom cat. Love bunnies.


Suppressed 22 loaded with hollow-points.

Double barrel shotgun, sawn off barrels - less aiming.

Whoa! That would get the neighbor's AND. The g- hog''s attention!

P.S. Makes a mess of the cabbage though saves on shredding for the coleslaw or stirfry!

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