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I am looking for some suggestions on making a small water fountain where I don't need to pump water all the time so its a continuous flow through system, It needs to be removable or somehow closed off due to our severe winter temps. Has anyone built anything like this? Do you have pix of it.. I am looking for some simple ideas. Nothing extravagant due to a small budget to make this happen. Something under $200 if possible.

mistymoon77 9 June 22
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not sure I understand correctly, but if you had a big sink/pond at the bottom, and pumped to a big reservoir higher up, but a smaller flow through the system back down? Ie in theory if he sink and reservoir were big enough, you could pump once a day and let it flow down slowly.

Rugglesby Level 8 June 22, 2018

If you want it to run intermittently then you could use a reservoir with a bell siphon that is slowly filled with a small pump that runs continuously but slowly, when the reservoir is full the bell siphon is activated and the water is dropped fairly quickly until the siphon kicks off and the reservoir begins to fill again until it is full, then repeat. If you want a fountain that jets water upwards rather than dropping it downwards then a pump on a time is your best solution and the most affordable. I'm will be installing two waterfalls for our new house, one inside and one outside, the inside one will be run on a three way switch so people can pass through the water curtain and the outside waterfall will run on a timer both will be built out of copper sheathing.

Surfpirate Level 9 June 22, 2018

I have a fountain, but it has to run continuously due to our mosquito issues. The birds love it, drink out of it and bathe in it as well. It has a small electric pump. I wouldn't otherwise know how to pump water w/o electricity. I do like Ken and Celia's suggestions. Fiberglass options are lightweight and portable. Have you been on Pinterest?

CaroleKay Level 8 June 22, 2018

I have but just wanted to get some feedback here.


what about a solar-powered pumping system?

CeliaVL Level 7 June 22, 2018

See that is something I would be more interested in. I have no way of plugging into anything. Being out in the country, it would be very tough and lot of work burying a line & then having to deal with it possibly freezing, etc.

Solar is definitely the way to go and with a big enough panel and a good battery it could run all night

@mistymoon77 We have a very small one which doesn't move very much water but I am sure if you got a bigger one it would work well. Water is very calming, I find.


If you are growing a garden in the soil, as opposed to pots or containers, what you are seeking my not be feasible. Every time you till up the soil, you would have to take the system out and disassemble it. You also have problems with clogs and leaks. I understand your desire for it, and considered it, but decided against it.

wordywalt Level 9 June 22, 2018
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