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Need advice! Neighbor complained to my township about my "long grass and weeds" in my backyard. I've got an area of about a quarter acre that I've been converting to prairie. A nice mix of several milkweeds, asters, ferns and other natives have been slowly filling in the grass that hasn't been mowed in 3 years. Now I've got to mow it all down within 10 days. I've been weed whipping some, then following with a mower, but it's taking forever and the mower keeps stalling. Any suggestions?

Untamedshrew 7 July 2
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You could buy yourself a scythe, it would take about 3 hours work to do a quarter acre with one but you will have to remove the cut material before you mow otherwise it will still be too much for the mower just as the whipped stuff is now.


Go to a tool rental shop and rent a tractor with brush hog

Count Level 5 July 4, 2018

I have no lawn; I live in an HOA and discussed the benefits of my native habitat with it. I have no problem anymore. See my FB page for photos as they are public

I'm jealous! My township can't be reasoned with. I'm afraid they'll go after my native plants if they realize they're "noxious weeds" as they classify them.


I'm no help, your neighbor sucks, it's beautiful! I say maybe ask for help, barter? I would help you for Milkweed seeds. 😀

CaroleKay Level 8 July 3, 2018

I would mow an area surrounding the prairie so it appears not to be abandoned or neglected. I would plant a barrier of arbor vitae evergreens so the neighbors will not see your property. A privacy fence is what I put up as the first thing I did on my property after the plantings, but there is the financial aspects. No matter what you do, these neighbors will not be happy. But preventing them from having access to seeing your prairie Is a nice way of giving them the to speak. Check with your zoning regulations. Been there done that. I used my zoning regulations against them & for my prairie. Make it look like a garden by mowing a border around it until you decide what to do in the long run. Save parts of the prairie but make it look like a garden.

Mooolah Level 8 July 3, 2018

I only trimmed the grass when it started to tickle my knees. One year we had a plague of army moths - they would fly up from my straggly brown overgrown landscape and invade the neighbours pristine mowed and watered twice a week lawn where they would lay their eggs. On hatching the caterpillars would eat their way down to the roots leaving lovely random brown dead grass trails through his lawn to create a lovely contrasting pattern....

FrayedBear Level 9 July 3, 2018

Can you keep some Milkweed in your gardens?

Leafhead Level 8 July 2, 2018

I do have some in "official gardens", that's where they started.


A bush hog should do the job and if that doesn't work then a jerry can of gas and a match will, just make sure the wind is blowing towards your neighbour.

Surfpirate Level 9 July 2, 2018

They burn all their trash, so they wouldn't mind.

@Untamedshrew I guess they are offended by all that nature but don't mind a few cars up on blocks and burned out appliances in theirs? 😉


Have you looked into fighting the decision? There has to be an appeal process.


1/4 acre isn't much. Hire a lawn service for one cutting. Should cost about 40.00.


If it’s fenced in borrow a few smelly goats that will make your neighbors happy.

Donto101 Level 7 July 2, 2018
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