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I'm writing on behalf of the Monarch Butterfly.
Every year during their migration, thousands of Monarchs get killed by traffic.
I propose road closures in their path during migration events.
Anyone want to sign a petition?

Leafhead 8 July 9
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Good luck with this, you are aware that you live in Trump's America.

Trump won't last forever, and this must be done on a state by state basis.
This is NOT tRump's America; she belongs to us all.
Unfortunately, Texas figures heavily in this, the reddest state in the Union.
But Texans should prize their natl treasure and act first.


How about moveable panels that are 12' tall that can be put in the flight path of the monarchs on the edge of the highway, designed to deflect the monarchs up and over the hazard? A bit awkward but more likely to be approved than to stop traffic. Even people who drove right through the butterflies and felt horrible about it while doing so, they didn't stop their cars and walk or get off the road and take back roads. Americans drive everywhere and they will fight any attempt to stop them from doing so.

Surfpirate Level 9 July 9, 2018

This does seem to be a more practical and publicly acceptable option.

@HeathenFarmer True but it would cost taxpayer dollars and in that case the Americans generally default to destroying the environment.

@Surfpirate Sad but true, it is more likely that the panels would have to be paid for by donation and then there would be a fight for permission to put them up.

@HeathenFarmer I can just hear the protest now:
'12 ft panels? not in my backyard'
'but they would at least block the noise and view of the highway and save the monarchs'
'no they would obstruct my view and lower my property value'
'but the monarchs are endangered and they are important to nature's cycle'
'stupid bugs, who cares but a bunch of libertard snowflakes, NEVER'

@Surfpirate Friggin' NIMBY's, I think I dislike those types the most, especially the ones that say they are in favour of something until it is to be done in their neighbourhood. Hypocrites are the lowest form of life probably a good part of why I dislike evangelicals the most amongst all religious people.


I have 8 milkweed plants blooming around the straw bale garden. No buttwerflies yet, though. I would be happy to sign your petition.

Spinliesel Level 9 July 9, 2018

Not much chance of the roads being shut down , but growing plants along the way would be helpful .

Cast1es Level 9 July 9, 2018

I'm all for not mowing roadsides and medians

Since Ladybird Johnson began restoring prairies along the interstates we have made lots of progress. Mowing is necessary to keep the trees from replacing the prairie. It should be done after the ground nesting birds have fledged. I remember when it began in the 1960's. The interstate highways are an adjunct to the migration in that they provide pollinator habitat for miles. A census of how many monarchs are taken by autos might be a starting point.

@Leafhead , this roadside mowing is crazy and unnecessary. Maybe a petition for that would be more helpful. Maybe not.

@freeofgod I think you're right. It might be more palatable to the asses, I mean masses.


Honourable idea.
Zero chance of success.


In a heartbeat. We have to begin somewhere. But this is a mountain to climb which the pinnacle will not be reached in our lifetime, under this administration or ever. Be prepared for disappointment. I propose eliminating some roads altogether. You have my realistic support.

Mooolah Level 8 July 9, 2018

Cool. Though I am not promoting eliminating roadways, I would certainly not oppose it either. The less the better.
But the Monarch needs more than just Milkweed. The King of Butterflies needs every American homeowner to care and pitch in. It doesn't matter what Trump thinks. It's what the American people do that matters. Which leads me to my other soap box


That is my rant for today.

@Leafhead I am an audience for your soap box.

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