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Good morning gardeners, And yes I know it's not morning, But it's my greeting. Day 18 trip to the garden. Looks like I got some more canning to do.I hope all you gardeners are doing good. My plans now is fish.

kenriley 8 July 13
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That is going to take some time to deal with.

CeliaVL Level 7 July 14, 2018

@kenriley Sounds like a good life to me!


Your garden has been bountiful.

@kenriley The weeds are doing exceptionally well as are the zucchinis.


Ever can any of those fish you pull from that pond?

Carp are abundant around here. In summer they have a "carp derby" at the lake outside town. The goal is to catch as many carp as possible. Had a friend that would can some of them. They are quit bony fish but canning works great, kind of like salmon, the bone get so soft you just eat them. Canned carp doesn't taste that much different than salmon.

DotLewis Level 7 July 13, 2018

@kenriley To can meat or fish it is recommended that you use the pressure cooker method. I have done chicken, salmon and trout by this method.

@kenriley I haven't tried it, HeathenFarmer is right, need to do it with pressure canner. I don't have a large pressure canner, I can do pints but quarts, I can only waterbath. I have also had home canned beef and that is some seriously tasty stuff. Of course, the seasoning and such would make a difference but what I had was really good. Never tried chicken or fish other than carp. I am not as devoted a canner as my friend, she put all sorts of stuff in jars, even canned milk when her cow was giving an abundance.


I want some of those beans so bad can’t wait till mine starts producing

Donto101 Level 7 July 13, 2018

Aquaponics, very cool and a lot of fun in my experience.

Surfpirate Level 9 July 13, 2018

@kenriley Real fishing? Like with dynamite? I haven't done that in donkey's years, even more fun than Aquaponics.


Fish ? You're planning a pond , to grow your own fish ?

Cast1es Level 9 July 13, 2018

@kenriley Right concept , just didn't know you already had one .

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