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Good morning fellow gardeners!
I've a question for the experts here. I've got a spot on one end of our habitat garden, approximately 7x13 feet. We'd like to put in a garden pond. Has anyone done this? Any advice out there? I've requested 2 books on the subject from the library.

bigpawbullets 9 July 30
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I build my ponds with a cat and an excavator; probably not the type of pond you have in mind at that size.

Um.... no. 🙂


I have dug four ponds in various gardens over the last thirty years and they have got better each time. We used a heavy rubber sheeting liner, having dug out the shape we wanted and it has proved very durable even in extreme climatic conditions. Getting the sides level is very important if you don't want the liner to show. We have had enormous pleasure from the ponds.

CeliaVL Level 7 July 30, 2018

Having only built in concrete sponged from council footpath laying leftovers I would heartily recommend your suggestion. Mine was built on a hillside so no great digging needed, just lots of barrow loads to shift so much concrete. Here you have to fence them in to protect irresponsible parents who can't look after their children properly from falling in and drowning themselves. The dame applies with drunken and drugged adults who drown in unfenced, child proof fencing, ponds.


My parents made on e a long time ago by digging out the shape you use a rope and decide where the slopes will be then take out the rocks and save the big ones for the fish to cool themselves under put in sand and make that smooth, then a thick concrete mix on top when its dry you need it to cure in the sun for quite some time tehn again with water in it my parents made a little wooden bridge across theirs again to give the fish more shade and also to be able to get nearer to them

jacpod Level 8 July 30, 2018

We have local nurseries that are willing to come out and educate you if you buy the stuff from them. It's a nice Hands-On way to learn how to build the pond.

SukiSue Level 8 July 30, 2018

I've looked on for pond kits. there's one brand that seems to be pretty highly rated:

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