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Ok we had to cut back the Everglades tomatoes they were getting out of hand. And don’t worry our birds don’t eat the leavers they just like the tomatoes. The leaves have a bitter taste they don’t like.

Donto101 7 Sep 11
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I used to have a problem with my dog getting the fruit, he loved tomatoes, cantaloupe, and watermelon. rescues can be funny.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 11, 2018

My pure bred golden that I got from a breeder LOVED tomatoes. I used to look out my kitchen window and see his butt and tail sticking out between the tomato cages. He would grab a ripe one and lay down in the grass and eat it. He never touched a green one. It isn't just rescues. I had that boy from the time he was about 10 weeks. He was the best dog ever once we got him past the puppy stuff. But loved tomatoes.

@HippieChick58 I had to start planting my tomatoes on the other side of the fence so I could let them vine ripen, anything that grew through the fence he claimed as soon as it was ripe. One year I went a week without harvesting any tomatoes between the dog and my son, I was SOL.


Down here a lot of people use nets.

FrayedBear Level 9 Sep 11, 2018

Lol I was talking about our chickens and ducks eating the cutting. We do lose some Everglades tomatoes to birds but we get so many that we don’t care.

@Donto101 nets mainly on soft fruits.

@FrayedBear yeah I’m going to have to do the with my grapes, blueberries and my strawberry tree. The birds are quick here in Florida. I even caught a squirrel trying getting my figs. I swear it looked like he was squeezing it with his little paws to checking for ripeness. I really don’t think they are that smart but it shure look like it. Lol

@Donto101 squirrels are very clever. Have you ever watched any of those YouTube films of them robbing birdfeeders? The way they calculate how to get there leaves me shaking my head. They are also smarter than humans who hoard, squirrels just squirrel the nuts away to eat in winter when there aren't any! They don't need to see psychiatrists for hoarding, the go to the top of the smarts class for surviving.

@FrayedBear yes we put a slinky around the pole to our feeder and have to grease the pole for the ones figured out how to grab just the pole throw the slinky and not the slinky.

@Donto101 what's a slinky. We don't have squirels, just possums and they prefer fruit.


@Donto101 I can't believe it, thats what I thought a slinky was. Didn't have them when I was a youngster, just gutters, cobble stones and used shoe boxes ( a Monty Python/ Michael Palin reference). Do you drop it with the pole inside?
My neighbour 25 years, an ex 40,000 volt powerline rigger, got fed up of the possums eating new growth on perfumed flowers he was trying to train to grow up his verandah that overlooked the Broadwater and his 2 masted ferro concrete yacht that he built. So he ran two copper wires along the top of the verandah rail and plugged it into the 240 volt AC domestic power supply. Yup you guessed it, all went well until one bright sunny morning he exited the bedroom door onto the verandah, threw back his arms and deeply inhaled then leaned forward on his palms on the top of the railing forgetting his possum deterrent. I believe it was never plugged in again! ?????????
Sadly, like many of his workmates, he developed cancer and died before he reached 67 - a reason for him retiring at 55 and living in reduced circumstances.

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