8 10

The easiest most versatile plant to have are daylilies.
This one is called Avant Garde.
Anyone else have daylilies?

flower_nut 7 Nov 10
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I honestly am an iris fan first. My local botanical gardens had an iris sale which was coupled with a daylily sale across the hall. My wife decided she wanted some daylilies too, so we ended up purchasing about a half dozen. What I was surprised to find out is that some varieties of daylilies have a sweet smell. Those are the ones I wanted most. Now I'm excited to see these daylilies bloom to see and to smell them.

RussRAB Level 8 Nov 10, 2018

I have one that smells sweet, it's yellow and tall. The rest of them don't smell much at all. You can be 10 feet away from the daylily and smell it like a honeysuckle. The strongest smell in my garden comes from the oriental lilies. They have a very strong perfume smell.
We made several trips when first getting into daylilies and purchased up to 12 daylilies at a time. It's exciting when the plants get bigger and bigger with more flowers each season. You might get addicted like a flower_nut.

@flower_nut - I love flowers of all sorts. I have no doubt that these daylilies will be wonderful. I will have to report back in the Spring after they bloom.

When the daylilies start blooming it's a different landscape all together in the garden. You can't go wrong with daylilies and I'm sure you'll both be hooked when you see what they offer.
Happy Gardening!


My neighbor grows them. My "backyard" is a daylily garden. ?

Zoohome Level 8 Nov 10, 2018

Wow! Free garden and you don't have to do anything to enjoy it. Lucky you!


i have tiger lilies

AmmaRE007 Level 7 Nov 10, 2018

How about a “creature of the night”.

@flower_nut that is beautiful !

I am a creature of the night when I can stay awake. Thank you.


Once planted , if reasonable watering during droughts , they return year after year and don't seem to have any problems with bugs or diseases .

Cast1es Level 9 Nov 10, 2018

I agree. When a leaf turns yellow I pull it off ASAP.


I have some daylillies, they were already planted when I moved in. I haven't added any yet. I love the color of yours. Mine are just plain yellow 😟 I like a variety of colors.

Mine too, plain yellow! Boooring, lol!

Yellow is very common, but I do have several that look awesome. Here's Taco Twister!

@flower_nut it is very pretty, I like it. However, I'd like it better if it came in other colors, I'm partial to pinks 😉

Pink is a tough colour in a daylily. I think this is called “odds and ends”.

@flower_nut Close enough!! That is lovely!

I'm glad you like it. It's the best I could do on such short notice.

Yes I have the same problem, a garden full of a not very good orange form, but they do so well I need to start collecting better ones.

If we had the room I would have so many more. My favourite is called Super Model. This one got me hooked, but we decided to wait and not pay the hefty price of $150.00. We waited the following season for the price to go down and got it 50% off at $35.00. It's the most we spent on a daylily.


love them. I think Irises are int that category too

btroje Level 9 Nov 10, 2018

The daylily has cascading foliage with thin or thick leaves. I like this contrast mixed with Siberian or Japanese iris.


I do they are very hardy and are pest free unlike the astic oriental lilies.

Ladydiana Level 7 Nov 10, 2018

Do you have these little guys around your lilies? It's the reason I removed all but a few Oriental and Asiatic lilies. The red lily beetle.

@flower_nut yes they are terrible little bugs

They devastated our lilies on a biblical proportion. There were so many beetles I couldn't pick them all off. It was depressing to have to remove most of our Oriental and Asiatic lilies. If I catch the beetle early enough the lilies do great.
These little suckers fly to our garden from the neighbour up the road. Once you have them they're hard to get rid of.

@flower_nut yes indeed


Unfortunately, and iris . I keep a small patch of both, but not a big fan. Those red ones look pretty cool though!

mikebeed Level 7 Nov 10, 2018

Thanks. Hybridizing daylilies is common and new cultivars are available each year. Japanese Iris are my favourite iris, I have a few.

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