6 10

Allium purple sensation
Mandarin lights azalea
Siberian Iris Caesar's brother
You can tell the caterpillars like the azalea. They're stripping the leaves.
Is there anything I could do to stop this?

flower_nut 7 Nov 18
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I love looking at photos like this. Lovely, thanks for sharing.

Thank you! A specific camera spot to catch all three in one shot.

@flower_nut I noticed how you have the purple like an outline, the orange in the background and the blue or deeper purple right on the middle with the right amount of green in between like you painted it that way.

Yup! Purple and orange go well together. The iris was my focal point but I didn't like the stripped leaves of the azalea in the background.


I've always loved Irises and this fall my wife brought home 96 Allium bulbs for me to plant, a dozen of them are the gigantic variety and I am looking forward to seeing them come up next spring. Beautiful flowers, thanks for sharing the pic as everything is now white where I am.

Surfpirate Level 9 Nov 18, 2018

The large allium looks awesome. I like its look when it goes to seed.
I'm happy to share and hope you show us your garden in the spring.


Picking them off should work, as this late in the year there should not be time for any more.

Fernapple Level 9 Nov 18, 2018

Yes. The azalea blooms in the spring and you see the caterpillars sailing through the air attached with an invisible line. The other azalea (Northern white lights) gets all of its leaves eaten. They leave the buds though!

@flower_nut If you want to look them up, they are most possibly sawfly caterpilllars.

You're right! They look like Aquilegia Sawfly Larva being a solid colour light green. Didn't know they turn into wasp-like flies and lay eggs on the underside of trees leaves. They show many photos of the Sawfly eating Solomon seal which I have and they don't touch it. They only eat the azaleas and devour most of the leaves. A couple weeks later, after the Sawfly disappears, the leaves start growing back.


Wow! Gorgeous! as for the caterpillars: []

MojoDave Level 9 Nov 18, 2018

The caterpillars are tiny and in the hundreds, it's gross. I hate them but live with them. The source is from the larger trees above the garden.
Thanks for the info!

@flower_nut Sounds like spraying the tree above is the solution. Kill 'em before they fall?

Spraying the tree would work at a cost I'm not prepared to make.
I thought about bringing down the trees but decided against that. The large trees are part of the landscape and 40 to 50 feet high. We removed a bunch of trees since we moved here. I also planted a bunch of trees. I'll try picking them off each day as they fall one by one until I get sick of it.


I would just pick them off. Who knows what kind of intermediate creature they are

btroje Level 9 Nov 18, 2018

They come from the trees above the garden on a silk line repelling onto both our azaleas.
I'll see how picking them off works and how many I get next year. Thanks


I know nothing about caterpillars, but these colors are fabulous together!

SkagwayKim Level 7 Nov 18, 2018

I very much love this combination also.

Me too!

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