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Random photos in my garden from this year.

flower_nut 7 Dec 20
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Livinlife Level 9 Dec 20, 2018

Thank you!


Gorgeous photos!

MojoDave Level 9 Dec 20, 2018

Thank you!


Gosh, you have beautiful flora and great photography skills with with to capture the beauty.

Thank you. I appreciate how nature looks by manipulating flora. Building a garden from scratch with what I know now is something I'd like to do in the future.


Beautiful! Really like the 5th photo - the fern opening! Wow!

Heidi68 Level 8 Dec 20, 2018

It's a shame I don't have more photos like this one. The fern looks so unusual when they first open.
Fiddlehead season is popular around these parts with many types of fern.


Nice! That purple clematis sure looks good. I just planted my first two clematis ever, this past fall. I am eager to see what they do come spring and summer, as nothing much has happened so far that I can see.

Clematis can be weird 'when all the sudden' part of it dies for no apparent reason? The one in the photo was moved there recently. The vine of the clematis was attached to our deck.


That last one looks like it bites lol
They all look beautiful..🙂

This poor flower didn't look so good after blooming? The petals even look like they're struggling to grow. They're all uneven and creepy 🙂 It's a coneflower of these I think?.


Beautiful pics. Boy you Canadians can grow some pretty flowers up there. I would love to be able to grow some ferns like you show here, just to dang hot in Texas. Forget about Hostas down here too. Just to hot. My counsins in Golden, B.C. grow some beautiful flowers too.

You are so right! I love hosta and fern and they both thrive here. They fill in and add such a great contrast.
In the first photo, Japanese painted fern is in the foreground and Cinnamon fern is in the background.
The third photo has a lime fern on the left which grows native here like the cinnamon fern.
This photo has something else growing native here. Not sure what it's called but it looks cool. It doesn't get any bigger, roots underground send up new growth.

@flower_nut I lived in Nebraska for a few years and was able to grow some beautiful flowers there that just don't do well or don't grow at all in Texas. I sometimes miss all the beautiful ferns I could grow there and all the different Hosta's. Beautiful pics!

Location is a major factor to what a garden will look like. I'd like a huge cactus on my front lawn to turn every head in the area. I've tried the hardy banana and palm with no success. The banana did come back the next year but died the next.

@flower_nut Hard to tell from the photo , but I think that it may be a club-moss.

It sure looks like club-moss. They grow apart from each other like trees in a forest. They don't do much or bloom anything noticeable. I like it because it looks like a miniature evergreen tree.

@flower_nut That sounds like club-moss, they are actually quite interesting plants which are unrelated to the true mosses in a group on their own. Some of them of course especially the Lycopodiums are famous because back in the Carboniferous they grew to be huge trees, and gave us much of our coal. Some are quite beautiful and the spores have been collected for a number of economic uses, (they are water repelent and explosive ) the trade in spores has however left some of them endangered.

I agree this tiny plant is club moss. I've had a look on google and the photos match what I see in the woods.
There is another weird looking growth in the woods but it crawls along the forest floor like a vine. It has the texture of club moss and grows a foot along and roots itself with 3 or 4-inch branches coming out along the vine. It's really interesting looking stuff!
I don't see the club moss everywhere just directly behind my place a couple hundred feet back. This is where I noticed a couple of these vines growing and have no photos.


Great shots!

Thank you. These photos are from 7 different gardens between June 28th and July 13th.

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