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Peeing on plants: whaddya think? Crazy? Disgusting? Has anyone here tried this? Check out this video.

I saw several videos recommending urine for composting.

MikeInBatonRouge 8 Dec 23
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Peeing directly onto plants can cause them to get burnt or overfed. Better to do it on your compost heap.

CeliaVL Level 7 Dec 24, 2018

I'm with peeing on the compost pile so it has time to beak down, pasteurize etc. I have done this straight on some plants and they died. Other plants seem to be able to take it. I would not pee directly on them.


So far, I am thinking I really want to use this, but on compost, not live plants. Maybe some plants are more resistant to burning, but I don't want to risk it.
Plus, definitely collect in a bottle. Hello neighbors!


Yes, urine helps to grow and I noted on some fertilizers uric acid is a part of the mix. There is another thing I have found that too much can kill plants. I have noted that peeing in one place kills all the plants so I thought that if I collect it and pour it on some plants that are becoming invasive (like lemon balm) I can reduce the spread. We'll see.

JackPedigo Level 9 Dec 23, 2018

I add urine to my compost pile once in a while, great to help it heat up. But no, don't pee directly on the plants.


Urine in compost is great. I don't personally pee on plants unless I want to kill them. The acid in urine is pretty strong.


Like most fertilizers it will work best when used on plants who are short of food (in this case nitrogen ). One reason why plants can end up short of nitrogen is because high carbon mulches etc. eat it up. So he could perhaps have got just the same result just by leaving the wood-chip off. (Having said that there is some use in wood-chip.) You can do a better job with urine by putting it in a can and adding five to ten parts water, it will then cover more ground, and is less likely to burn plants. Having said that perhaps the best use of it is to "activate", as they say a compost heap. Just water it in the center and it will make your heap go faster. Having said all of which, it must also be said that, nitrogen is about the cheapest of the big three fertilizers to buy.

Fernapple Level 9 Dec 23, 2018

uuhhhh.....I'm gonna go with "disgusting" - on vegetable plants 😟

Lavergne Level 8 Dec 23, 2018

Well, Zorak the Wonder Dog & I continue to have early morning peeing contests in "our" back yard. I'd say it's better for weed & grass control along the fence line.


Funny manure is acceptable , urine seems odd . Guess that's because we're accustomed to it .

Cast1es Level 9 Dec 23, 2018

I've peed around my plants to try to discourage the deer from going into my garden, it didn't work but these are very bold deer.

Surfpirate Level 9 Dec 23, 2018

A direct application on the deer might work. Be careful though.

@bigpawbullets Do you mean piss on the bullets for luck before I shoot the deer?

I KNEW we are brothers!!!!

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