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If you could snap your fingers and get any project instantly done in your garden, food forest or homestead what would it be?

Donto101 7 Jan 25
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I am going to distinguish chore from project. I think of chores as repetitive maintenance tasks like mowing, edging, weeding, fertilizing, watering, etc. I wanted to say mowing the lawn, which I find to be quite tedious. But that is not a project.

My yard is solid clay. So I have had to work on extensive drainage projects, including raised planters. I am going to call soil conditioning a project. Composting is definitely something to improve our soil's structure and drainage qualities over time. I am composting stuff now, mostly making leaf mold, because I have so many oak trees. I am amused and amazed that I am actually having fun composting. Who'd have thunk rotting stuff could be so interesting? lol Having said all that, I can use all the compost I can make, and so I would love to snap my fingers and turn a pile of organic material into aged compost instantly, rather than having to wait months.

My 2nd fantasy is to cut down the five 70 ft tall water oaks in my back yard. Freakin' EXPENSIVE! OMG! It cost me $2,000 last summer just to have a few limbs removed. They were threats to my house, and we are in hurricane country. Apologies to tree lovers, but my back yard is 90% shaded due to those trees, which are 70 feet tall, and I can't grow veggies at all back there without more sun. Plus, they are about 50 years old, about the age that water oaks start to decline and become unstable; again, a threat to the house. They are the scrub tree "weed" of the oak world. There are still mature oaks in all my neighbors' yards, including a beautiful Live Oak near my driveway, so removing my scrub oaks would not eliminate trees from the scenery. I want the finger-snap super power to save several thousand dollars. ?

I have heavy clay, too. I feel your pain. I also have trees I'd like to get rid of, but feel guilty just at the thought. Some did have to go because they were posing direct dangers to the house.


If I could do it with a snap of my fingers, I'd go ahead and get them all done at once. I'd be a snapper. 😉


Cheaper water so I could have my raised beds back.


Bit of both plus some pretty looking plants

Lllewis Level 7 Jan 25, 2019

Instant weed removal.

JackPedigo Level 9 Jan 25, 2019

@FlippantLlama It said anything. How about laying down 10 yards of mulch instantly?

@JackPedigo I enjoy spreading out wood chips. It’s a great workout

@Donto101 I have 3 gardens and an orchard. By the end of the summer I should look like superman . Instead I am just worn out.

@JackPedigo damn that’s nice I would love to have all that work

@Donto101 Too bad you're so far away. I could always use help.


Hedge and grass cutting, I have just too much of it.

Fernapple Level 9 Jan 25, 2019
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