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Its quite cold here now with a strong wind, so I spent an hour this morning hand weeding pots in the greenhouse. Its mainly Hairy Bittercress, Cardamine hirsuta. What I wanted to know is, is this little menace the same problem in the US and Australia etc. that it is here in Europe ?

Fernapple 9 Jan 27
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Hmmm...if we don't have that exact weed here in Louisiana, we certainly have a variant of it. I think you just taught me the name of one of my most common weeds. Thanks! The internet just told its in the mustard family and completely edible, though the flowers are a bit bitter. Curse those exploding seed pods! Lol

Also, it is originally from Eurasia, but got "shared" around the world. Thanks!!

Yes if it has the expolding seed pods it is exactly the same thing. If you want to be really safe, it is said that you should wear goggles when weeding it, because the fast flying seeds can get into your eyes to bad effect.


Common in my pots in Spain too.

CeliaVL Level 7 Jan 27, 2019

It likes the area around my pond in Ontario, Canada.

Surfpirate Level 9 Jan 27, 2019

If it's edible , grow it as a food crop , fertilize it , water it , eat it , and it will disappear .

Cast1es Level 9 Jan 27, 2019

That is one of life's great truths.


The serrated edge leaf lower left looks familiar.

FrayedBear Level 9 Jan 27, 2019

Yes looks just dandylion does it not. There are not many of those but often I just throw the plant, because sorting them out does too much damage.


Looks much the same as the crap growing in my pots. I will try and find some to photo. The sun and lack of water kills a lot off - it's also why my plants die!

FrayedBear Level 9 Jan 27, 2019

Well, I was sure we don't have it, bur wikipedia says it grows all over the world. We are under several inches of snow right now, so no gardening for me , other than looking at the seed catalogs. Happy weeding!

Spinliesel Level 9 Jan 27, 2019

It is most often a weed in pots, and I am told that it can be used in salads, so maybe I should eat it instead..

@Fernapple If you don't like it, I bet the goats and sheep in your neighborhood will. Sorry, you may not have those neighbors. i live in the country. Lots of goats and sheep about a mile up the ridge.

@Spinliesel I thought that you had nice religious neighbours! Goats indeed!

@FrayedBear The Amish and mennonites have been moving into the area. They are always grateful when I bring treats for the goats and sheep, pumkins , dandelion greens in the Spring, whatever I have left over. And they don't come more religious than the Amish. But they are more pleasant than the Born Agains on Main Street. Do you have Amish and mennonites in Australia?

@Spinliesel Not as far as I'm aware though we have over 2000 registered sects and religions apparently operating in Oz.

@FrayedBear Oh my! Do they have tax exempt status, like here in the Land of the Free? ( Wow, the wind is howling around the house!)

@Spinliesel if registered, yes. And the happy slappies sem to get large injections from the USA. I suspect a round robin of fraud.

@Spinliesel I love the sound of a howling wind if I'm tucked up in a nice warm dry bed.

@FrayedBear I am drinking the first pot of coffee. The dogs are occupying my bed and i am thinking of doing the dishes. I worry about the big ,old maple tree outside of my house.

@Spinliesel Always a worry in strong wind. Have you had a tree fella look at it?
What ever you do don't put that sign out saying "tree fella wanted" - you'll have fight on your doorstep with Mick and Seamus arguing they're as good as any 3 fellas!

@FrayedBear Are you kidding? We have one tree surgeon in the county and a few brave guys with chainsaws. Don't trust them. I don't want this huge tree to be cut down, just trimmed a bit. No luck so far!

@Spinliesel We have an organisation called the SES here - the State Emergency Service. They are crewed by volunteers from all walks of life and are called upon in time of flood, fire, trees blown into houses, roofs blown off etc. If you have similar they will undoubtedly be happy to get a bit of training in pruning a few branches to prevent greater work down the track. Here a bbq and crate of beer would be seen almost as over reward for such community help.

@FrayedBear What a cool idea! No, not here and not me. It will require a bucket truck. The tree is over 160 years old, as high as a 3-storey house. It's the tree surgeon or nothing. I would like it to continue living. It is my air conditioning in the summer and home to many birds and critters.

@Spinliesel Yanks are effing mercenary?!

@FrayedBear Oh dear, is that a surprise to you?:

@Spinliesel Not when I look at your medical system and homelessness.

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