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Stripey and Stingy - a chart

Surfpirate 9 May 10
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Funny - yet accurate - comments!

Robecology Level 9 May 10, 2019

I really can't agree on the person's opinion of yellow jackets.


ANYTHING that buzzes and flies scares the daylight out of me!! I was attacked by a nest of yellow jackets when I was a child, and since that time I have become even more sensitive to stings (as in epipen handy is smart), and rather frightened by the thought of a repeat performance. I avoid all kinds of buzzy, flying, pokey things!

Rustee Level 7 May 10, 2019

I want this in a poster!

Hathacat Level 9 May 10, 2019

I disagreed somewhat with the Yellow Jacket. Looking into this I made a discovery (thanks). What I have are not Yellow Jackets, per say but Paper Wasps. They look just like Yellow Jackets but..."Paper wasps, in general, are less likely to provoke interaction with humans than are yellow jackets; they are generally docile unless the nest is disturbed. Vibrations and other disturbances can alarm them. The paper wasps are longer than yellow jackets, about 3/4-inch long, with more slender bodies and legs that dangle when they fly. They are usually red and yellow or mostly yellow with some areas of black. Their nests are smaller, and contain open combs facing downward rather than being oval and enclosed. They generally fasten nests to building eaves."

JackPedigo Level 9 May 10, 2019

I've had only one negative encounter with a yellow jacket--who was BITING me. Not stinging, BITING--trying to eat my meat it seemed & it hurt! Yet I was afraid to object & get hurt more... Weird thing I can't remember what I did to get it to stop eating my arm...I tend to blow on insects to get them to go away without harming their delicate bodies so that was probably it.

I've only been stung by anything twice in my 57 years--first time I was 5. The second time I was 18 & stepped barefoot on a honeybee, poor thing. My whole foot swelled up for 2 days-is that a normal reaction or am I allergic?

@Carin I was curious about my answer and took a picture of the bees. The paper wasp does not have the clear yellow markings. As you can see these bees do. I also remember hearing a local NPR report about an invasive species of yellow jackets that were docile.

We have been stung/bitten several times but only when we didn't see the wasps and touched them. Often they are on the back side of a fence or fruit and we grab it and get stung. Once we were attending a reception and we were asked to bring out some silverware. My late partner grabbed a pile of knives (this was inside the house) only to be stung by a bee in the stack of knives.

@JackPedigo Yep, any time there's food around, especially sugary things or meat, it's a good time to get stung. Perhaps my vegetarianism is one reason for not getting stung.

@Carin They only seem to sting when you actually touch them. Every year a couple of them make a small nest in an outdoor outlet box. I open the box and put in a plug and they just go about their business. Actually, I found a great trap. I take a clear plastic tub with a lid. Punch holes in the lid with a large nail so that the bottom of each hole has a flap. Put in strong sugar water and the bees go inside to get the sugar water and then can't get out. It gets really full and I often have to empty the container.

@JackPedigo I agree...I even pet them gently with no problems, if they look like they are in a good mood. I've seldom found the need to trap them as I can usually remove whatever is attracting them.

It's my understanding that "yellow jacket" is not a species but just a common name for a yellow striped wasp without a slender waist. Remembering way, way back to college I think what we call hornets are also just wasps....hymenopterans include bees, wasps, saw flies (no idea what they are) &....ants. I can't believe I had forgotten about ants! We so seldom see them with their wings. Hoverflies are just that--flies. They mimic the danger warning yellow & black stripes for protection only & can't sting or bite you.


Great info. Hope it helps everyone.

OldGoat43 Level 9 May 10, 2019

Thank you . Noticed a sizable hole over my garage door . Carpenter bee , I think .

Cast1es Level 9 May 10, 2019

The holes aren't too deep I think--the holes are for their babies.

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