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Has anyone grown loofah plants? Are they worth growing or is it better just to buy a loofah from the store? Because of where I live I would have to start them inside for a while and put a lot of extra effort into growing them. I just want to make sure it'd be worth it.

PiperMckenna 6 June 26
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They are slow to start, and you begin to think they are never going to produce, then the hot part of summer comes, they spring to life and grow like mad. The most I ever got off one plant was 150. My average take is around 50-60 per plant. They will over grown and climb on anything. You need an area where you can hang and air dry gourds. The plants themselves require very little maintenance beyond water and fertilizer, and picking the fruit when it has reached the maturity to allow more production. I have been growing them off and on for over 30 years so if you need more info hit me up. I've got 2 growing this year.

glennlab Level 10 June 27, 2019

Thank you so much! This is exactly the info I needed! I'm thinking this is definitely something I want to try!


I have grown them a couple of times and it was fun, but not a prolific crop.

CeliaVL Level 7 June 27, 2019

I saw a neat way to market them. They cut them into round slices then poured soap in to fill up the holes. Useful and cute.

Hathacat Level 9 June 26, 2019

Oooh, that's a good idea. I want to make my own soap too....I wonder if I could do this for my own personal use.

I might do that if I successfully get my loofahs growing


My next door neighbors planted loofah vines , that grow up my trees . They are a gourd shaped (fruit ? vegetable ? what ever ) . When they've ready , you have to peel off the outside . Once planted , they don't seem to require anything more than a tree to grow up . Vines grow , perhaps 30 feet long .

Cast1es Level 9 June 26, 2019

That's good to know! I'm sadly lacking trees in my yard. Great for full sunshine, not so much for vines. I think I may use chicken wire or buy a trellis.


I grew them in the late seventies...I thought the vine was pretty but I never could get the fruit to grow to a decent size before winter...then, to make the loofah, you have to let them dry out for a long time...some just turned to mush and got mildewed...I think you should try and then if they are not as you thought, let them go next is always fun to grow new things even with extra effort...

thinktwice Level 8 June 26, 2019

Okay, I'll keep that in mind. I think I'll give it a try and if it's too hard I'll just stick to buying them.


Hi Piper!!! Welcome to the site!
Many of us grow loofah plants. I have one growing right now, it is climbing my Mulberry Tree. 🙂
@Glennlab - he has been growing for ages now - got seeds from him.
One vietnamese farmer I know grows it as vegetable to eat. I don't know if it is that tasty, but they grow several plants and use their Loquat tree as support (that is where I got my mulberry idea from).
They are easy and simple. Go for it

Zoohome Level 8 June 26, 2019

Awesome! Thank you! That's the feedback I needed. I think I'll go for it when I plant next year. My garden is so full I might have to make another spot.

@PiperMckenna share pictures!!! We LOVE member's garden/plants and etc pictures 🙂

@PiperMckenna I would plant now, they will produce begining in the hot part of the summer most prolificly. They will quickly catch up. even with no trees to climb, they will act as ground cover much like cantelope.

@glennlab Oooh, good to know! Ill have to see if I can find them today or tomorrow.

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